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define.xml.v2 row-level metadata

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1 define.xml.v2 row-level metadata
documentation and example Richard Senecal, Senior Principal Programmer NJ CDISC Users Group Merck/Summit, September 19, 2013

2 CDISC Define-XML Specification Version 2.0
Value Level Metadata sections | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only

3 what is the context? converting vertical files to horizontal
USUBJID VSTESTCD VSORRES VSORRESU 1 HEIGHT 78 inches DIABP 80 mmHg FRMSIZE MEDIUM horizontal file USUBJID HEIGHT HEIGHTU DIABP DIABPU FRMSIZE 1 78 inches 80 mmHg MEDIUM | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only

4 where does it live in define.xml?
page 12 | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only

5 Codelists for VSTEST and VSTESTCD
page 29 and IE DEMO vs.vstest and vs.vstestcd The VSTEST CodeList uses EnumeratedItems to store the list of possible values, as listed in the NCI/CDISC SDTM Controlled Terminology documents. The VSTESTCD CodeList uses CodeListItems to reflect the association with VSTEST items. | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only

6 define version 1 vs version 2
page 34 define.v1 attached valuelist to –TESTCD and was assumed to describe the –ORRES only define.v2 attaches valuelist to any variable: --orres --orresu --stresc --stresn --stresu | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only

7 How the sections are chained together
pages ItemGroupDef has ItemRef for variables like VSORRES ItemDef for VSORRES has a def:ValueListRef pointing to a def:ValueListDef def:ValueListDef has ItemRefs for values of VSORRES (like DIABP) in each ItemRef, there’s a def:WhereClauseRef def:WhereClauseDef has logic like: if VSTESTCD eq “DIABP” | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only

8 How the sections are chained together (cont...)
pages ItemDef for the DIABP value in VSORRES DataType="integer“ Length="2“ SASFieldName="DIABPOR“ Description=Diastolic Blood Pressure (Orig U) def:Origin Type="CRF“ def:PDFPageRef PageRefs="11“ ... | Presentation Title | Presenter Name | Date | Subject | Business Use Only

9 Thank You !

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