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SAEG 15th March 2018 Item 2.1 Use of JDemetra+ @Eurostat By Dario Buono.

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Presentation on theme: "SAEG 15th March 2018 Item 2.1 Use of JDemetra+ @Eurostat By Dario Buono."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAEG 15th March 2018 Item 2.1 Use of By Dario Buono

2 JDemetra+ is widely used @Eurostat
JDemetra+ is widely In production and also for training purposes

3 Jdemetra+ as ESS standard
Eurostat supported the release of JDemetra+ version 2.2 as software officially recommended for the seasonal and calendar adjustment of official statistics in the EU

4 Adoption of JDEMETRA+ in production
All domains that uses JDemetra+ are at least on JD In March 2018, we have just migrated LCI and CHOMM and LFSIND to 2.2. The other domains are subject to be migrated in the coming month. STS, LCI and LFSIND are using the ESTAT batch tool.

5 Sector Accounts: since October 2015
Sector accounts data published in all the three press releases "Household saving rate" and "Business investment rate") as well as the Statistics explained articles are obtained with JDemetra+, and are fully compliant with the ESS guidelines. Also the dedicated webpage was updated. Currently 2.1, in August 2018 move to 2.2 together with model update

6 Short Term Statistics since March 2016
A comprehensive test phase took place at the beginning of 2016 To minimise the impact the FAME database was modified to ensure that JDemetra+ was working in the Unix environment. Version is used to identifying the models and adjusting the series. The European aggregates calculated on the basis of nationally adjusted series or national series adjusted by Eurostat with the new software were available for users as of 1 March 2016

7 Labour Market: since 2016 4 domains: LFS, Unemployment, LCI and Job Vacancy Statistics LFSIND are published since early 2016 Unemployment (CHOMM) uses a batch mode system. Started testing JDemetra+ beginning of January 2016 is used since April Also using Nowcasting and Forecasting features provided by the seasonal adjustment batch tool already in conjunction with a JEcotrim (made compatible with JDemetra+ 2.1/2.2.) batch tool for temporal disaggregation. JVS is currently using the devoted FAME plug-in LCI uses a batch since February 2016.

8 Prices The HICP team uses currently version 2.2 or at least 2.1. Used for data validation process (the old Demetra) since at least 2014 and moved to JDemetra+ in 2016. JD+ as the main tool for data validation for both the flash and the final HICP

9 Since 2017 National Accounts (Quarterly Main Aggregates) and External Trade (Monthly) are using JDEMETRA+ 2.1 In 2019 Balance of Payment is currently using old Demetra since they have the data on MDT and not in FAME GFS using the old DEMETRA

10 Interactions with Users
Price unit uses the "Nowcasting" plug-in for the flash estimates of the HICP as back-up solution Big request to use the "R" package/library Looking forward to version 3.0 Support by DIME/ITDG to use JDEMETRA+ as reference tool also for temporal disaggregation Good feedback about the twitter account


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