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MAKING the SENTENCE: Colons & Semi-Colons

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1 MAKING the SENTENCE: Colons & Semi-Colons

2 Colons: When do I use them?
A colon can be used when you want to call specific attention to what follows. A colon is also used in time and scriptural references, along with other uses.

3 Colons: Rule #1 Rule #1: A colon directs attention to an explanation, a summary, or a quotation.

4 Colons: Rule #1 Examples
For once in my life, I knew exactly what I wanted to do: I was going to become a doctor. Albert Einstein defined insanity this way: “It is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” I knew I had to admit the truth: I had put off doing my paper and will not finish on time.

5 A colon may signal that a list follows.
Colons: Rule #2 Rule #2: A colon may signal that a list follows.

6 Colons: Rule #2 Examples
Three seniors received academic scholarships: Tyler, Destiny, and Marcus. These classes are essential for graduation: English, math, and science. Do NOT do this … The three seniors to receive scholarships were: Tyler, Destiny, and Marcus. (Do NOT use a colon after a verb)

7 A colon separates a main title and a subtitle.
Colons: Rule #3 Rule #3: A colon separates a main title and a subtitle.

8 Colons: Rule #3 Examples
Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy’s Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. Mario Kart: Super Circuit

9 Colons are used in certain numbers.
Colons: Rule #4 Rule #4: Colons are used in certain numbers.

10 Colons: Rule #4 Examples
Colons are used between numbers to designate time. 11:45 a.m. 2:17 p.m. Colons are used between numbers in scriptural references Psalms 3:5 Genesis 1:9

11 Colons have specialized uses in business/ formal communication.
Colons: Rule #5 Rule #5: Colons have specialized uses in business/ formal communication.

12 Colons: Rule #5 Examples
A colon follows the salutation of a business/ formal letter. Dear Dr. Evans: Dear Admissions: Dear Scholarship Committee: To Whom It May Concern:

13 Semi-Colons: When do I use them?
A semi-colon can be used instead of a comma or period. It is used most frequently to connect two independent clauses, OR to separate elements that contain commas.

14 Semi-Colons: Rule #1 Rule #1: A semi-colon connects two independent clauses when the second clause SUPPORTS or CONTRASTS with the first.

15 Semi-Colons: Rule #1 Examples
In many cultures, food and cuisine offer wide opportunities for variety; they allow chefs the chance to create culinary works of art. For many cooks, basil is a key ingredient; it appears in recipes worldwide. (support) Sweet basil is used in many Mediterranean dishes; Thai basil is used in Asian and East Indian recipes. (contrast)

16 Semi-Colons: Rule #2 Rule #2: A semi-colon separates sentence elements (clauses, phrases, lists) that contain commas within them.

17 Semi-Colons: Rule #2 Example
To survive, mountain lions need a large open area in which to range; a steady supply of deer, skunks, raccoons, foxes, and possum; and the opportunity to find a mate, establish a den, and raise a litter.

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