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NCC EDR Status May 03, 2012 Stephanie Weiss, Steve Mills, Calvin Liang

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1 NCC EDR Status May 03, 2012 Stephanie Weiss, Steve Mills, Calvin Liang

2 Image provided by Tom Kopp
NCC Sample of 4 Granules ND_ _NCC_NorthAmerica_d _t0826to0830  Hyperbolic shaped anomaly Image provided by Tom Kopp

3 NCC Sample ADL reprocessed with min irrad = 0
Hyperbolic shaped anomaly eliminated S. Weiss NGAS

4 Conclusion Min irradiance change to 0 eliminates hyperbolic shaped anomaly in original NCC EDR   The triangular area is still missing, and was not fixed by this change change appears to be due to some flaw in logic at the granule level where there is a mix of Solar Zenith Angle (SlZA) both  > 105 deg and < 105 deg it does not compute for those pixels > 105 deg SlZA ,  even there is sufficient  lunar radiance to produce an NCC image.    However, if the entire granule is > 105 deg SlZA, and there is sufficient lunar illumination, it works fine.  Is there a shortcut here applying granule level logic to bypass some pixel level tests?


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