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Presentation on theme: "COMMON SENSE PARENTING"— Presentation transcript:

Training for Parents

2 What is the goal of Christian parenting?
Raise our children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4) Raise children who are well-prepared for life Raise children who are a blessing and joy to be around, “that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified” (Isa. 61:3)

3 Parental control Self control Spirit control Progression: Infant Child
Adult Spirit control

4 What does it take? A sincere love for God and his Word
A loving husband/wife relationship TIME – daily living (Deut. 6:6-9) Prayer – ask God to work on their hearts Committed effort

5 Stages of childrearing:
Discipline: birth to 5 Training: age 6 to 12 Coaching: age 13 to 18 Friendship: around 19, maybe sooner

6 Authority Influence

7 Key principles: Motive – discipline demonstrates love (Prov. 1:7-8; Heb.12:5-6) Purpose – a harvest of righteousness and peace Authority – you are in charge!

8 Non-negotiables for the child:
RESPECT (Prov. 30:17) TRUTHFULNESS OBEDIENCE (happy, immediate, complete!)

9 RESPECT: For parents – 5th commandment
For authority – parents must train by example, not mere words For the elderly – Lev.19:32 For peers and siblings – remind children they are each other’s lifelong best friend For property of others For creation/nature

10 Give the moral reason for conduct:
Train your child to think morally, not just act morally Saturate your child in Scripture! Must be in parents’ hearts; no double standard

11 Teach a Biblical worldview:
Love/fear the Lord above all other things (Prov.9:10; Lev.19:18) Honor your father and mother Do not murder – respect for life and right relationships Do not commit adultery – sanctity of sexual relationship in marriage Do not steal – respect for others’ property Do not lie – respect for the truth Do not covet – respect for contentment in life

12 Miscellaneous: Distinguish childlike foolishness from willful disobedience Never give a command you don’t intend to enforce (the threatening- repeating parent) Help your children obey (pre-training, 5 minute warning with eye contact and verbal response, instruction, post-training commendation or reward for reinforcement) Be mindful of the condition of your flock (tired, sick, hungry, etc.) Your home must be a safe haven for conversation – about anything!

13 CONCLUSION: Your job as a parent is:
Lead your children to the Lord Be a gentle, consistent disciplinarian, teacher, and shepherd Set a godly example


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