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<Project Title> <Quad Chart date, Project Number and Performing Activity> DESCRIPTION: <Brief description of the problem and technical approach> APPLICATION:

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Presentation on theme: "<Project Title> <Quad Chart date, Project Number and Performing Activity> DESCRIPTION: <Brief description of the problem and technical approach> APPLICATION:"— Presentation transcript:

1 <Project Title> <Quad Chart date, Project Number and Performing Activity>
DESCRIPTION: <Brief description of the problem and technical approach> APPLICATION: <Brief description of the equipment and/or facilities affected by the project and end users that have signed for coordination> ROI ESTIMATE: <Picture, graphic, chart, or table applicable to project> ACCOMPLISHMENTS/HIGHLIGHTS <Describe in detailed bullet points the accomplishments that were completed over the past quarter> NEXT STEPS/UPCOMING EVENTS <Describe in detailed bullet points the specific activities planned for the next quarter> OVERALL ASSESSMENT APR12 JUL12 OCT12 JAN13 TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT OVERALL Green: No disruption on costs, scheduling, and performance. Yellow: Potentially may cause some disruptions (e.g., scheduling, increases in cost, degradation of performance, etc.). Red: Likely to cause disruptions (e.g., scheduling, increases in costs, etc.).

2 <Project Title> <Quad Chart date, Project Number and Performing Activity>

3 <Project Title> <Quad Chart date, Project Number and Performing Activity>
Funding ($K) OSD Service Other Requested 500 400 100 Received <Date> Committed Obligated Expended ISSUES (For Yellow/Red Assessments): <Describe in detailed bullet points any issues that have affected progress over the past quarter> PROPOSED SOLUTIONS (Addressing Above Issues): <Describe in detailed bullet points the path forward to address above issues>

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