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Q1 - 2014 (November 2013 – January 2014) NASA Quarterly UVIS Q1 - 2014 (November 2013 – January 2014)

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Presentation on theme: "Q1 - 2014 (November 2013 – January 2014) NASA Quarterly UVIS Q1 - 2014 (November 2013 – January 2014)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q1 - 2014 (November 2013 – January 2014)
NASA Quarterly UVIS Q (November 2013 – January 2014)

2 UVIS: Science Highlights
The Full Mimas We know that Saturn’s moon Enceladus is the brightest object in the solar system … at visible wavelengths, that is Studies using Cassini’s UVIS instrument find that Mimas is actually brighter than Enceladus at far-UV wavelengths (light not seen by the human eye) This particularly obvious at small phase angles … when Mimas becomes a “full Moon” It is believed that this is due to the photometric behavior (opposition surge) of Mimas vs Enceladus… Enceladus’s surface may be covered with such fine plume and E-ring grains that there isn’t much of an opposition surge Mimas Enceladus A.R. Hendrix

3 UVIS: Science Highlights
Seasons on Saturn’s moon Tethys detected by Cassini’s UV spectrograph A UV observation of Tethys (July 2007) shows the brightest region in the northern hemisphere. The sub-solar point was south of the equator at this time. A later observation (April 2012), when the sub-solar point had shifted northward, indicates that the brightest region seems to have shifted southward. Solar photochemistry with the surface ice produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) which is dark in the UV, making the sub-solar region relatively dark. We expect that later in the mission, the northern region on Tethys will be come even darker as the H2O2 accumulates. A.R. Hendrix

4 UVIS: Accomplishments
Science Highlights (from this quarter: Nov 2013 – Jan 2014) Colwell: Complete new model of self-gravity wakes incorporating UVIS and VIMS occultation data. Colwell: Identify highest priority observations for the F Ring and Proximal orbits, including particle-tracking occultations and dedicated UV imaging of the rings at high resolution. Colwell: Self-gravity wake modeling making use of both VIMS and UVIS occultation data provides a new way to study the population of the smallest particles in the A ring. We find that the size of the smallest particles decreases in the outer third of the A ring, and the number of small particles increases in the outer third of the A ring. Esposito: A dynamical model of ring haloes around strong resonances in Saturn’s rings can explain their general characteristics and dimensions. The analysis indicates that the resonance stirring triggers aggregate formation and fragmentation at these perturbed locations. The freshly uncovered ring particle surfaces are bombarded by micro-meteorites causing the spectral changes seen in haloes.

5 UVIS: Accomplishments
Publications Published this quarter 0 In press (Went into press Nov 2013 – Jan 2014, also includes still in press from earlier quarters) 7 Submitted (Submitted Nov 2013 – Jan 2014, also includes submitted earlier and still in review) 7 Published 2014 to date (since Nov. 2013) 0 Published entire mission 167 Presentations at scientific conferences (Nov 2013 – Jan 2014) 6 presentations at AGU, San Francisco, December 9-13 (Royer, Hendrix, Colwell (3), Esposito) Public Outreach and Press Activities (Nov 2013 – Jan 2014) 2: public talks 1 : press releases 0: press conferences (phone interviews)

6 UVIS: Plans Science Plans (Feb – Apr 2014)
Bradley: Continue investigation of ring particle albedo. Compare Saturn ring spectra with Saturn icy moon spectra. Compositional modeling of ring particles using ring particle albedo and optical constants of candidate materials Bradley: Compare Saturn ring spectra with Saturn icy moon spectra. Bradley: Compositional modeling of ring particles using ring particle albedo and optical constants of candidate materials. Colwell: Complete initial paper on stellar occultation statistics. Colwell: Continue work on new self-gravity wake model. Colwell: Work with Becker on diffraction modeling. Begin paper preparation. Colwell: Paper on faint and narrow rings is in production (student Bryce Bolin is lead author). Colwell: Paper on self-gravity wakes is in preparation (Colwell or Jerousek lead author). Colwell: Submit new and updated occultation data sets to the Planetary Data System. [still pending per Josh] Colwell: Paper on analysis of Rev 9 solar occ diffraction signal from F ring is in preparation (student Becker is lead author). Yung: UVIS spectra will be analyzed using a scattering radiative transfer code, including the spherical geometry involved in the Cassini observations. The gaseous absorptions used in the radiative model will be taken from previous papers by this group. Publications (Feb – Apr 2014) In preparation (includes submitted, but not yet published) 12 1 paper in press in an AGU monograph on the auroras 1 paper in review at ApJS 1 papers in press in Discoveries of Modern Science 1 papers in review in GRL 1 paper in press and 3 in review in Icarus 1 paper in press and 1 in review in JGR 1 paper in press in J. Mol. Spectrosc. 1 paper in review and 1 in press in Planet. Space Sci. 1 chapter in press in the book Titan: Surface, Atmosphere and Magnetosphere

7 UVIS: Plans Continued from last page Upcoming presentations at scientific conferences (Feb – Apr 2014) 2 presentations at EGU, Vienna, Austria, April 28- May 2 (Esposito, Colwell) Public Outreach and Press Activities (Feb – Apr 2014) 0: public talks 0: press releases 0: press conference (phone interview)

8 Backup Material

9 UVIS: Publications None yet

10 UVIS: Publications (In Press)
Esposito, L.W.E Saturn’s Rings. Discoveries in Modern Science. (Went to press August 28, 2013) Gurnett, D. and W. Pryor Auroral Processes Associated with Saturn's Moon Enceladus. For inclusion in an AGU monograph on the auroras. (Accepted spring 2012) Gustin, J. , J.C. Gerard, D. Grodent, G.R. Gladstone, J.T. Clarke, W.R. Pryor, V. Dols, B. Bonfond,  A. Radioti, L. Lamy, J.M. Ajello Effects of methane on giant planet's UV emissions and implications for the auroral characteristics. J. Mol. Spectrosc. (Accepted. March 29, 2013.) Kammer, J.A., D.E. Shemansky, X. Zhang, Y.L. Yung Composition of Titan's Upper Atmosphere from Cassini UVIS EUV Stellar Occultations. Planet. Space Sci. (Accepted 6/12/13.) Lamy, L., Prange, R. Pryor, W., Gustin, J. Badman, S., Melin, H. Stallard, T., Mitchell, D.G., Brandt, P.C Multi-spectral simulations diagnosis of Saturn’s aurorae throughout a planetary rotation. JGR-Space Physics. (Accepted June 17, 2013) Nicholson, P. D., R. G. French, M. M. Hedman, E. A. Marouf, and J. E. Colwell Noncircular Features in Saturn’s Rings I: The Edge of the B Ring. Icarus. (In press as of Sept 9, 2013) West, R., P. Lavvas, C. Anderson, and H. Imanaka Titan Haze. A chapter in Titan: Surface, Atmosphere and Magnetosphere. Eds. I. Mueller-Wodarg, C. Griffith, T. Cravens and E. Lellouch. Cambridge University Press [Cambridge Planetary Science Series]. (Accepted March 1, 2012)

11 UVIS: Publications (Submitted)
Carbary, J., D. Mitchell, and W. Pryor Correlation of Saturn's Ultraviolet Aurora with Energetic Neutral Atoms. GRL.  (Submitted June 28, 2012) Cuzzi, J. N., A. D. Whizin, R. C. Hogan, A. R. Dobrovolskis, L. Dones, M. R. Showalter, J. E. Colwell, and J. D. Scargle Saturn’s F Ring Core: Calm in the Midst of Chaos. Icaru.s (Submitted September 2013) Gustin, J., Moses, J., Gerard, J-C., and Grodent, D. Saturn H2 density and temperature profiles at low, medium and high latitudes from Cassini UVIS solar occultations. Icarus. (Submitted on Dec. 3 per Gustin) Hendrix, A.R. Shemansky, D.E. et al Io: FUV and EUV Spectroscopy from Cassini. Icarus. (Plan to submit in October) Heays, A.N., Ajello, J.M., Aguilar, A., Lewis, B.R., Gibson, S.T The high resolution EUV spectrum of N2 by electron impact. ApJS (Submitted Nov 29, 2013 per Ajello) Li, C., X. Zhang, M.-C. Liang, Y.L. Yung Eddy Diffusion Profile of Titan's Atmosphere Revealed by Cassini Observations. Planet. Space Sci. (Submitted Nov ) Mitchell, D.G., P. C. Brandt, J.F. Carbary, W.S. Kurth, S.M. Krimigis, C. Paranicas, N. Krupp, D.C. Hamilton, B.H. Mauk, G. B. Hospadarsky, M.K. Dougherty, W. R. Pryor Injection, Interchange And Reconnection: Energetic Particle Observations In Saturn's Magnetotail. JGR. (Submitted August 15, 2013, but didn’t know last quarter)

12 UVIS: Science Presentations – Q1-2014 (Nov 2013-Jan 2014)
AGU, San Francisco, December 9-13 E. M. Royer; A. R. Hendrix: Unexpected Far-Ultraviolet Photometric Characteristics On Mimas Hendrix et al: UV-IR Spectra of the icy Saturnian satellites Colwell, J. E., J. H. Cooney, L. W. Esposito, M. Sremcevice. Particle Sizes and Clumps from Occultation Statistics Becker, T. M., J. E. Colwell, L. W. Esposito."Measuring Particle Sizes in Saturn's F Ring from Diffracted Sunlight in Cassini UVIS Solar Occultation Spilker, L. J., E. Deau, G. Filacchione, R. Morishima, M. M. Hedman, P. D. Nicholson, J. E. Colwell. Multiwavelength Studies of Saturn's Rings Esposito: Predator-Prey Model for A-Ring Haloes

13 UVIS: Outreach – Q1-2014 (Nov 2013-Jan 2014)
EPO: Talks to school children, teachers and public Colwell: University of Florida Astronomy Department, November 20. Ghosts, Pebbles and Propellers: Accretion in Saturn's Rings and the Protoplanetary Disk. 50 people in attendance. Esposito: Mysteries of Saturn’s Rings, January 16, Boulder Chautauqua. Press releases Pryor: Cassini Project press release in January on Hubble-Cassini joint auroral observations including a UVIS movie.   Press conferences & interviews None this quarter

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