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Second Grade October 2nd – 6th Preston Follow us on Twitter Reminders

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1 Second Grade October 2nd – 6th Preston Follow us on Twitter Reminders
Important Dates October 4th Walk to School Day! October 2nd -6th Book Fair October 25th Second grade field trip to Elm Fork Goals for this week: Math We will use number lines to help visualize order. I will order and compare numbers to 120. Reading We will self-monitor our reading to fix mistakes and identify the author’s writing technique. I will understand what makes a book powerful. Writing We will study and apply our favorite author’s craft moves. I will use mentor texts to guide me in creating powerful writing. Science We will learn how the appearance of the moon changes in a repeating pattern. I will observe, describe and record patterns of the moon. Social Studies We will learn how we can help others. I will write about a community leader that is important to me. Word Work We will decode words with consonant y and vowel y. I will spell words with consonant y and vowel y. Follow us on Twitter @HaddenPreston2 @Herbert2ndGrade @MaurerPreston2 @McCullPreston2 @AMcC2ndPreston Reminders We are collecting photos for our Preston yearbook! To help with this, please your Preston Pride photos from various school events to our yearbook sponsor at: Preston Pride

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