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CRCT 2nd Qtr. Review.

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Presentation on theme: "CRCT 2nd Qtr. Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 CRCT 2nd Qtr. Review

2 What are the two types of crust found on Earth’s surface?

3 Continental and oceanic

4 Continental crust is made mostly of what type of rock?

5 Granite (igneous)

6 Oceanic crust is made mostly of what type of rock?

7 Basalt (igneous)

8 What are the four main layers of the Earth?

9 Crust, mantle, outer core, inner core

10 Which layer is the hottest?

11 Inner core

12 Which layer is the coolest?

13 Crust

14 Which layer is the densest?

15 Inner core

16 Which layer is the thinnest

17 Crust

18 As you descend to the center of the Earth, what happens to temperature and density?

19 They increase

20 What are the three types of heat transfer?

21 Radiation, conduction, convection

22 Heat transfer through space is called what?

23 Radiation

24 Heat transfer by touching is called what?

25 Conduction

26 Heat transfer through heated fluids is called what?

27 Convection

28 What are the three types of evidence that supports continental drift.

29 Landforms, fossils, climate change

30 What causes lithospheric plates to move?

31 Convection currents in the asthenosphere

32 What two things discovered, explained how continents move?

33 Sea-floor spreading, subduction at Deep ocean trenches

34 Since the sea floor is spreading is the Earth getting larger?

35 No

36 Which ocean is getting larger?

37 Atlantic

38 Why is the Atlantic Ocean getting larger?

39 Lots of MORs and Less subduction zones

40 Which ocean is getting smaller?

41 Pacific

42 Why is the Pacific Ocean getting smaller?

43 Lots of subduction zones

44 What is the largest mountain range on Earth called?

45 Mid-Ocean Ridge

46 At the Mid-Ocean Ridge molten material erupts and spreads out
At the Mid-Ocean Ridge molten material erupts and spreads out. It pushes away old rock and continually adds new material. What is this an example of?

47 Sea-Floor Spreading

48 A deep under water canyon where subduction occurs is called a what?

49 Deep Ocean trench

50 What is it called when the ocean floor sinks beneath other crust and back into the mantle?

51 Subduction

52 What are the three types of stresses?

53 Tension, compression, shearing

54 What stress pulls on crust?

55 Tension (arrows point outward)

56 What stress squeezes rock?

57 Compression (arrows pointing inward)

58 What stress pushes rock in opposite directions?

59 Shearing (arrows in opposite directions)

60 What type of plate boundary moves away from each other?

61 Divergent

62 What type of plate boundary moves toward each other?

63 Convergent

64 What type of plate boundary moves side by side?

65 Transform

66 Why are there so many earthquakes and volcanoes in the Ring of Fire?

67 Many subduction zones

68 The shaking from the movement of rock beneath Earth’s surface is called what?

69 Earthquake

70 A weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface is called a what?

71 Volcano

72 What are the two types of weathering?

73 Mechanical and chemical

74 The type of weathering that breaks down rock physically is called what?

75 Mechanical

76 The type of weathering that breaks down rock chemically is called what?

77 Chemical

78 What is it called when rock and soil are moved by water, wind, ice, or gravity?

79 Erosion

80 What is it called when sediment settles out and is dropped in a new location?

81 Deposition

82 What are some human activities that can cause erosion?

83 Clearing land, plowing fields, mining, etc.

84 What are some ways we can prevent erosion?

85 Re-plant, contour plowing, crop rotation, terracing

86 The mixture of rock particles, minerals, decayed organic material, air, and matter is called what?

87 Soil

88 What is the layer of soil from top to bottom?

89 Horizon A (topsoil), Horizon B (subsoil), Horizon C (partly weathered rock), Bedrock

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