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GEMAS Workshop – closing remarks

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1 GEMAS Workshop – closing remarks
EXPERIENCE Geochemists have more than 60 years experience with geochemical mapping using bedrock, sediments, soil, water and vegetation as sample materials; the first country-wide maps were produced in the 1950’s. This experience is recognised by pan-European policy makers, and UN agencies - e.g., UNESCO recently established an International Geochemical Mapping Centre. INDEPENDENT QUALITY CONTROL Was early on realised to be the cornerstone to the success of such geochemical mapping projects, using accredited laboratories is not sufficient.

2 GEMAS – closing remarks
MAPPING SCALE Geochemical maps at all scales are produced by the Geological Surveys, from continental (global) to local – different processes are highlighted at different scales Different scales highlight different geochemical processes COOPERATION Geological Surveys are cooperating within and even between the continents – three projects at the continental scale were completed recently: Australia – Europe – USA, and project standards were exchanged between the projects to insure comparability Many different stakeholders were involved in the GEMAS project (>65 organisations!)

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