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Should Novel BCR Antagonists Be Part of Frontline Therapy for CLL?

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Presentation on theme: "Should Novel BCR Antagonists Be Part of Frontline Therapy for CLL?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Should Novel BCR Antagonists Be Part of Frontline Therapy for CLL?
Richard R. Furman Weill Cornell Medical College

2 Yes

3 The Evolution of Treatment Options in CLL
Alkylators CR: 5% ORR: 30-50% 1970s Purine Analogs CR: % ORR: % 1980s Purine + alkylators CR: 35% ORR: % 1990s Chemo-immunotherapy CR: % ORR: % 2000s TKIs / SMIs CR: ??? ORR: % 2010s

4 Survival of CLL Patients by Decade
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Pts. Died Year Rx <1980 Proportion Surviving Years Courtesy of Michael J. Keating, MDACC

5 Change in Natural History: Summary
Increase in overall survival for patients as a group By stage, no benefit for Binet A and B, but benefit seen for Binet stage C Better supportive therapies? Novel agents? Shift to earlier stage disease at diagnosis: Cohort % Stage A Survival I ( ): 26.3% 38 months II ( ): 50.3% 54 months III ( ): 72.0% 93 months

6 Survival of CLL Patients By Treatment
Total Died Subgroup Initial Dx st Rx st fludarabine salvage fludarabine refractory 100 80 60 Overall survival (%) 40 Alkylating agents failed 20 Fludarabine failed 24 48 72 96 120 144 Time (Months) MDACC data, M Keating.

7 So we need better treatments!

8 More Reasons To Avoid Chemotherapy
40% of deaths of CLL patients are associated with second solid tumors, acute leukemia/MDS or Richter’s transformation. This includes 71% of deaths in first remission!

9 Risk of t-MN with F vs. FC Initial Therapy of CLL
TOTAL N enrolled 141 137 278 t-MN 9 4 13 Additional Therapy: yes no 2 7 3 1 Crude Incidence 6.4% 2.9% 4.7% Cumulative Incidence (at 7 yrs) 8.2% 4.6% Smith, M Blood; 118: 3525

10 Patients Age >65: Survival by Treatment > 2004

11 BCR-associated Kinases: Proven Effective Therapeutic Targets
Syk (spleen tyrosine kinase): fostamatinib PRT062070 GS-9973 Btk (Bruton’s tyrosine kinase): ibrutinib CC-292 ACP-196 PI3K (phosphatidyl 3-kinase: Idelalisib (GS-1101) IPI-145 AMG319 Nat Rev Immunol 2:945

12 Targeting the “BCR++” Antigen Pathway:

13 PI3 Kinase Signaling: At the Crossroads

14 Idelalisib: Specific Inhibitor of p110d
Tyrosine Phosphorylation PI3K Isoforms Expression Broad Leukocytes Gene KO effect Lethal Benign Physiological role Insulin signaling Angiogenesis unknown Signaling, development & survival Neutrophil, T-cell development IC50 (nM) 2154 427 8 182

15 CLL Patients Treated with Idelalisib 150 mg BID
81% Response Rate 72% Decrease by 50% of nodal SPD PR with lymphocytosis (Cheson 2012) PR by IWCLL criteria (Hallek 2008) 33% 39% Nodal Response Overall Response Brown J. ASCO 2013

16 Idelalisib + +R +B +BR Response Rate 95% CI LNR = Nodal Response
OR LNR OR LNR OR LNR = Nodal Response OR = Response by IWCLL criteria (Hallek 2008) Coutre S. ASH 2012, Abs 191

17 Idelalisib in Relapse / Refractory CLL Progression Free Survival
Overall Survival Median PFS = 17.1 months Median OS not reached Brown J. ASCO 2013

18 Adverse Events (> 15%) and Selected Lab Abnormalities (N=54)
AE, n (%) Any Grade (%) Grade  3 (%) Fatigue 17 (32) 1 (2) Diarrhea 16 (30) 3 (6) Pyrexia 2 (4) Cough 13 (24) Back pain 12 (22) Rash URI Pneumonia 11 (20) 10 (19) Night sweats Chills 9 (17) Laboratory abnormality, n (%) AST, increased* ALT, increased* *15 subjects total with transaminase elevations Brown J. ASCO 2013

19 Ibrutinib: “Specific” Inhibitor of BTK
B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) signaling required for B cell survival Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase (Btk) is an essential element of the BCR signaling pathway Inhibitors of Btk block BCR signaling and induces apoptosis

20 PCYC-1102: Overall Response
Among those patients whose initial response was PR-L, the majority achieved classic response by IWCLL criteria: TN: 9/13 (69%) R/R: 38/49 (78%) Combined ORR + (PR-L): TN = (84%) R/R = (88%) Furman RR. IWCLL 2013.

21 PCYC-1102: Progression Free Survival at 26 months
TN: 96.3% R/R: 73.6% No del17p/11q: 92.2% del11q: 72.9% del17p: 53.1% Furman RR. IWCLL 2013.

22 PCYC-1102: Patient Disposition
TN ≥ 65 Years n = 31 R/R n = 85 Median time on treatment, months  21.3 (0.3, 26.6) 16.3 (0.3, 28.7) Patients still on treatment, n (%) 26 (84) 53 (62) Patients discontinuing treatment, n (%) 5 (16) 32 (38) Reasons for treatment discontinuation, n (%) AE Treatment-related AE Death due to AE 2 (6) 1 (3) 10 (12) 1 (1) 1 (1)a Disease progression* SCT (while in response) Investigator decision (not SCT) Patient decision Lost to Follow-up 4 (5) 3 (4) *7 patients (1 TN, 6 R/R) had disease progression with Richter’s transformation Furman RR. IWCLL 2013. Furman RR. iWCLL 2013

23 PCYC-1102: AEs All Grades in >15% of Patients
Diarrhea (TN 68%, R/R 53%), fatigue, and URI were the most common adverse events Furman RR. IWCLL 2013.

24 Rate of > Grade 3 Infections / 100 patient months
Rate of Severe Infections with Ibrutinib (PCYC-1102 Study – Rel/Ref Population) Rate of > Grade 3 Infections / 100 patient months First 6 months >7 months All Patients (N=85) 7.1 2.6 By duration of exposure: <12 months (N=22) 17.7 4.1 >12 months (N=63 4.8 Byrd J. NEJM 2013.

25 PCYC-1102: Changes in Median Serum Immunoglobulin Levels – TN + R/R
Furman RR. IWCLL 2013.

26 Incidence of Acquired Resistance Following Ibrutinib Treatment in CLL Patients
*5 patients with mutations came from 10 evaluable patients (i.e. 3 were not available to sequence) Stilgenbauer, S. IWCLL 2013.

27 Patient Characteristics with Acquired SNVs
Study Age Gender # of Prior Treatments Cytogenetics Ibrutinib Treatment Duration on Ibrutinib Best Response Mutation PCYC-04753 59 Female 5 17p-, +12 560 mg qd 621 days PR C481S BTK PCYC-1102 75 Male 2 17p-, complex karyotype 420 mg qd 673 days R665W PLCg2 PCYC-1108 3 11q- BR x 6 cycles 420 mg qd 388 days CR PCYC-1109 51 complex karyotype Ofatumumab x 24 weeks 420 mg qd 674 days 69 9 840 mg qd 868 days Stilgenbauer, S. IWCLL 2013.

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