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3 color pictures that represent you (glue Periodic Table here)

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Presentation on theme: "3 color pictures that represent you (glue Periodic Table here)"— Presentation transcript:

1 3 color pictures that represent you (glue Periodic Table here)
(Cover Page) 3 color pictures that represent you Back Cover (glue Periodic Table here) Chemistry __ Period (your name)

2 (Three-Story Intellect is glued in here)
Table of Contents 0. Cover Page Table of Contents 2. Table of Contents Table of Contents 4. Venn Diagram How to Use Notebook 6. Equipment Cards Equipment Hunt 8. Scientific Process Science Practices 1

3 Table of Contents Table of Contents
2 3

4 How to Use This Notebook
Questions & Cues Right Hand Page of Notebook - Input Cornell Notes are taken here The purpose of the right side of the notebook is to record notes, instructions, and summaries What goes on the right side? Left Hand Page of Notebook - Output Processing exercises are here The purpose of the left side of the notebook is to process through visuals and problems What goes on the left side? How are the two pages different? 5

5 Venn Diagram Left Hand Page Right Hand Page 4

6 Equipment Hunt 1. Beaker 250 mL: 2. Erlenmeyer Flask:
3. Graduated Cylinder: 4. Hot Plate: 5. Pipette: 6. Spatula: 7. Test Tube and Rack: 8. Test Tube Clamp: 9. Reaction Plate: 10. Thermometer: I think: Function: Directions: Write out the following equipment names as follows Go around and write down what you think each piece of equipment does AND draw a picture of each one When you are finished, come back and we will talk about what each tool does. I think: Function: I think: Function: I think: Function: I think: Function: I think: Function: I think: Function: I think: Function: I think: Function: I think: Function: 7

7 Science Practices Science Practices Engineering Practices
1. Asking Questions 2. Making and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Looking at data 5. Thinking mathematically 6. Constructing explanations 7. Arguing from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating info Engineering Practices 1. Solving Problems 2. Developing and using models 3. Planning and carrying out investigations 4. Looking at data 5. Thinking mathematically 6. Designing solutions 7. Arguing from evidence 8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating info Are there times when I use these practices? How do the science practices differ from the engineering practices?

8 Broad Science Concepts
1. Patterns 2. Cause and effect: mechanism and explanation 3. Scale, proportion, and quantity 4. Systems and system models 5. Energy and matter: flows, cycles, and conservation 6. Structure and function 7. Stability and change What are some important overarching science concepts? Where do I see some of these concepts in my own life?

9 Mystery Container Observations (skip 5 lines after)
Write down some of the things you observe about the mystery container. Hypotheses (skip 5 lines after) Write down what your ideas about what you think what is inside the mystery container. Your ideas may change over time. Methods (skip 5 lines after) 1. Write down some things you could do or did to figure out what was inside the mystery container without opening it. 2.Write down some of the tools that you either used or would find useful to help you figure out what the mystery container holds. Other Containers (skip 5 lines after) Figure out what is contained in the other containers (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. There are many ways this can be done.

10 The Scientific Process
Today, you engaged in the scientific process. The process involves having a question (what’s inside the container?), making a guess, testing your ideas, making observations and inferences, and working with other people to figure out the answer. Reflection 1. What do you think about the scientific process in general? All thoughts and feelings are welcome. 2. How do you think the activity that you did compares to the actual scientific process? 3. What are some ways you use the scientific process in your life?

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