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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary

2 Reserve Reserved area for specific purposes. Example:
Torres del Paine is a national reserve. Animal’s reserves look for taking care of endangered species.

3 Survive Continue to exist. Example:
The fireman survived after the accident. Cockroaches have survived for millions of years.

4 Dangerous A person, animal, thing, or activity could harm you.
Example: His parents don’t let him play hockey because they think is dangerous. Walking home alone could be dangerous.

5 Illegal Something that is not permitted by law. Example:
Hunting animals is illegal in many places. Taking things that aren't yours is illegal.

6 Hunter A person who kills for food or sport. Example:
The hunter shot an elephant. The hunters were hours pursuing their prey.

7 Without Not having or doing something. Example:
I went to school without my umbrella. She is doing the test without enthusiasm.

8 Step An action in a series of actions taken for a particular purpose.
Example: We need to take drastic steps to reduce pollution. If you want to cook, there are many steps you have to follow.

9 Root cause The basic cause of something. Example:
The root cause of obesity is fast food. There are many root causes that explain pollution in the city.

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