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Physiology test 3 A Review.

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1 Physiology test 3 A Review

2 Know the anatomy of the heart (diagram is fair game).
Structures and functions Understand the flow of blood from RA to tissues and back to RA. 5 steps to electrical conduction of heart. Systole and diastole terms. RHR and THR. Know the formula and be able to calculate.

3 Parts, functions and structure/design of vascular system.
Blood – function and composition. 4 training effects on Circulatory system. Q formula

4 Structure and function of respiratory system.
2 zones. How do we breathe and exchange gases? Training effects on Respiratory system. VO2 Max. Quantitative values charts on CR system.

5 Test is Wednesday, November 7th.
This review isn’t limiting – only a list of major topics to know. Everything is fair game! Study hard – good opportunity to score well!!

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