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The 7 Marketing Functions

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Presentation on theme: "The 7 Marketing Functions"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 7 Marketing Functions
Marketing Co-Op

2 Financing Pricing Selling Promotion Distribution
Marketing Information Management Pricing Selling Promotion Product/Service Planning Distribution

3 Financing Getting the money needed to finance the operation of a business Decisions regarding payment options for customers

4 Marketing Information Management
Process of getting and analyzing the marketing information needed to make good decisions Information Collected Customer’s trends Habits Attitudes Where they live

5 Pricing The decisions that dictate how much to charge for goods and services in order to make a profit Usually based on Costs What competitors are charging How much customers are willing to pay

6 Product/Service Management
Obtaining, developing, maintaining, and improving a product or product mix in response to market opportunities

7 Promotion Any form of communication used to informing, persuading or reminding potential customers about a business’s products or services Examples Advertising – Radio and TV Publicity – Improving public image (recycling, going green, etc.)

8 Selling Providing customers with goods and services they want to buy
Types of selling Retail Business to Business Personal

9 Distribution Making decisions about where to sell the product and how it will get into the customer’s hands

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