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Presentation on theme: "REVISED STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR THE BIENNIUM"— Presentation transcript:

6th Statistical Commission for Africa 1 – 4 October, 2018 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Director, African Centre for Statistics

2 Outline Overview Changing Global and Continental Dynamics
ECA Vision & Objective  ECA Strategic Directions ECA Programmatic Focus ACS Vision and Focus Structure for ACS  Work Areas Implementation Arrangements Ensuring Continuity Statutory Report Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

3 1. Overview Paris Agreement UN-AU Framework AAAA Prime mandate
Derives from ECOSCOC resolution 671 A (XXV) Overall purpose Promote inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in support of accelerating the economic diversification and structural transformation of Africa Programme plan anchored in: UN-AU Framework AAAA 2030 Agenda NEPAD Agenda 2063 Paris Agreement Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

4 3 2 4 5 1 6 2. Changing Dynamics Development financing
Poverty and inequality –  Deepening and widening Structural transformation & diversification of economies New macroeconomic  environment Data and statistics Integrated & multi-sectoral  approach to SDGs Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

5 Vision Overall objective 3. ECA Vision & Objective
Delivering ideas and actions for an empowered, inclusive and transformed Africa Overall objective Delivering ideas and actions for an empowered, inclusive and transformed Africa Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

6 Advancing ECA’s position as a premier knowledge institution
4. ECA Strategic Directions STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3 Designing and implementing innovative financing models for infrastructure and human, physical and social assets for transforming Africa 2 Developing macroeconomic and structural policy options to accelerate economic diversification and job creation Advancing ECA’s position as a premier knowledge institution 1 4 Contributing solutions to regional and transboundary challenges, with a focus on peace, security & social inclusion​ 5 Advocating Africa’s position at the global level and developing regional responses to global governance issues Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

7 Supporting a growth-enabling macroeconomic environment
5. Focus Programmatic focus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Promoting green and blue economic development paths Eradicating poverty and tackling inequality Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women Expanding domestic resource mobilization as a long-term path Supporting a growth-enabling macroeconomic environment Attracting private sector investment through market institutions such as AfCFTA Forging a data-informed policy architecture Leveraging the role and resources of the private sector and enabling the business environment Building a robust governance system Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

8 VISION: Transforming Africa through Credible Data & Statistics
6. ACS VISION & FOCUS Programmatic focus Capacity development: Enhance the capacities of member States to respond to demands for fit-for-purpose data Modernization of statistical production & services: Conduct & promote research on methods, concepts, definitions & classifications Governance & policy: Promote statistical governance mechanisms VISION: Transforming Africa through Credible Data & Statistics Outreach & partnership: Build partnerships, nurture technical assistance & advisory services, collaboration, & networking with national, regional & international entities. Data services: Provide authoritative development information on Africa & support in data production for ECA research & policy analysis work. Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

9 1 2 3 4 5 7. Structure of African Centre for Statistics
To improve the production, dissemination & use of quality data & statistics in the framework of the Agenda 2030 & AU 2063 in order to support economic and social development in Africa. 1 2 3 4 5 Economic Statistics and National Accounts Demographic and Social Statistics Data Technology Geo-information System Statistical Development Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

10 Implementation of field projects;
8. Work areas Methodological work, including the production of handbooks and guidelines; Implementation of field projects; Training; advocacy campaigns to address institutional issues and the design of national strategies on statistics; Fostering holistic geospatial information management policies (UN-GGIM:Africa) Dissemination of information and best practices; Provision of technical assistance; Resource mobilization. Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

11 8. Work areas (Cont’d) Particular emphasis will be placed on developing manuals for producing harmonized statistics & supporting the statistical working groups dealing with issues related to the harmonization of price statistics; NA & environmental economic accounting; trade & public finance; infrastructure & energy; Agriculture and food security; Population and housing censuses; gender mainstreaming; CRVS; The maintenance of databases; mobile data collection; The mainstreaming of geospatial information technologies into national statistics offices; and institution-building; Advocacy and outreach Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

12 9. Implementation arrangements & approach
Activities will be closely coordinated and integrated with other global & regional statistical programmes & initiatives as stipulated in the SHaSA. Partnership & collaboration The processes for regular consultation with AfDB, AUC, other pan-African organizations, RECs & RSTCs will be particularly important, as will the oversight provided by StatCom-Africa. Collaboration with international development partners Approach Selectivity Value addition Comparative advantage Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

13 Comprehensive Programme of Work of Supporting Statistics in Africa.
10. Ensuring continuity With the aim of ensuring the support for statistical development in Africa is undertaken with a long term approach, the ACS has devised a four year Comprehensive Programme of Work of Supporting Statistics in Africa. Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

14 Contents of the 4 years Programme of Work
10. ENSURING CONTINUITY (Cont’d) Contents of the 4 years Programme of Work 8 Components: Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

15 11. Statutory reports A synopsis of each and decisions:
1. Statistical capacity development in Africa 2. Regional report on SDGs indicators 3. Population and housing censuses 4. Civil registration and vital statistics 5. Economic statistics – SNA 2018 Proposed strategic framework for the Biennium UNECA.ORG

16 Thank you


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