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3.01 A -Product/Service Management

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1 3.01 A -Product/Service Management

2 Intro Who is responsible for the last product you bought?
Did you know….. It took over 3 years to develop Google’s search engine It took over 4 years to develop the famous chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-A

3 Product/Service Management
Product/Service Management is a marketing function that involves obtaining, developing, maintaining, and improving a product.

4 Product/Service Management
Factors affecting Product/Service Management: Customer Needs and Wants Company Goals and Strategies Cost and Available Resources Competition Product Itself Government Regulation Stages in Life Cycle Business and Economic Trends

5 Product/Service Management
What are Benefits to Product/Service Management? -Offer products consumers want and company’s profits increase -When developing the right products, a company can gain new customers -When products are well managed there is less of a chance for failure

6 Product/Service Management
What role does Product/Service Management play in Marketing? Affects positioning of product -what image do you want to create about the product in the minds of consumers? 2. Improves product success 3. Gives product an image -what impressions do you have of certain brands

7 Product/Service Management
Who is responsible for managing product/service management? -Several employees of a company, certain departments, 1 employee or just the boss. Normally depends on size of company. 3 Main Phases of Product/Service Management 1. Developing New Products 2. Monitoring Existing Products - Sales, Profit, Market Share 3. Eliminate Weak Products

8 3.01-B Product Life Cycles

9 Intro What is a product that has been around for as long as you can remember? How has it changed over the years?

10 Product Life Cycle Product Life Cycle represents the stages that a product goes through during its life. There are 4 Stages of Life Cycle: 1. Introduction 2. Growth 3. Maturity 4. Decline

11 Product Life Cycle What are the goals of the Introduction Stage?
To increase product awareness Get the customer’s attention thru promotion Lots of special promotion During Growth Stage: Customers are aware of product, sales increase Companies focus on customer satisfaction Competition starts from other companies

12 Product Life Cycle What happens during Maturity Stage?
The product’s sales level off. More money is spent on competition during this stage. Discuss how company is managing: 1. Competition 2. Advertising 3. Distribution – Is it only sold at 1 place 4. Other Strategies they have put in place

13 The life product cycle model
Development Development Growth Growth Maturity Maturity Decline Decline Few: Few: Growing adopters: Growing adopters: Growing selectivity Growing selectivity Saturation of Saturation of Drop-off Drop-off trial of trial of trial of trial of of purchase of purchase users users in usage in usage early early product/service product/service Repeat purchase Repeat purchase adopters adopters reliance reliance Entry of Entry of May be many May be many Fight to maintain Fight to maintain Exit of some Exit of some competitors competitors share share competitors competitors

14 Product Life Cycle During the Decline Stage:
Sales start to decline. A company must decide to alter the product, discount, or discontinue product.


16 Product Life Cycle Sources: Marketing Essentials

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