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Selling High Value Services

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1 Selling High Value Services
Taking Sales to a Higher Level Selling High Value Services Barry Hilton Mercuri International Presentation for Celemi EMEA Partner Meeting Athens, 4th September 2017

2 NOT STRICTLY TRUE Selling high value – high priced services is extremely complex…………..

3 How do you feel about the challenge?

4 What it takes is self belief
And the removal of self imposed barriers such as the language – First advice I would offer is forget about High Price Price is an artificial concept and must be put in the context of the value the investment returns… If you don’t know that then it is A PRICE and you are AT A DISADVANTAGE Someone is always cheaper than you

5 You need confidence not only in yourself but in your offer..
I am going to take about 20 minutes to cover some ‘top tips’ leaving plenty of time for questions if you have any

6 Understand you offer Make a great pitch Know your Prospect
Four important dimensions to consider We can spend a few minutes in each This may provoke some questions Happy to take those as they come.. Know your Prospect Negotiate well

7 Know your prospect Understand their business world
Know their strategic aims Learn about their values and culture Research their challenges and pain Think about individual/collective psychology This is easier than it ever was.. Changes in Buyer autonomy mean they can know a lot more about you in advance – you can do the same The sources are almost endless LinkedIn, Facebook Google, You Tube, Glassdoor .. It costs nothing more than a few clicks (Veronique´s additional notes taken during the session): Build affinity Don’t assume that you can solve their problems, they don’t have a problem! Match their psychology (individual in front of you, and organisation – use same vocabulary) Look at yourself from their point of view – what do you see then they look at you? Walk in their shoes

8 Understand your offer What is in it and why How it is priced
What will it do for the client? Make the decision to buy compelling Differentiate Product knowledge is expected. Don’t expect a wow reaction because you know it. What does it do for them? If you can’t change a feature into a compelling benefit don’t even talk about it How are you different? Think of your approach psychology and think of theirs – do they match? Apple + 60 year MI (Veronique´s additional notes taken during the session): The ZEMOT “zero moment of truth” What is in it and why How is it priced What will it do for the client (impact on business? Topline? Bottomline?) Differentiate and sell the difference Make the decision to buy compelling

9 Make a great pitch Pick the right Team
Think about the structure of the pitch Choose your language carefully Maintain the initiative in the process Ensure you cover every stakeholder base Don’t try and do it all yourself –who has the best skills for the job – strong team What is the ‘red thread’ of your argument? Think about your words – does the language persuade and convince? Own the next move – gain commitment at each step Have you connected with every function involved in the decision? Have you a chance of winning? – insurances, policies, indemnities, turnover? (Veronique´s additional notes taken during the session): Pick the right team, including externals Language: replace “maybe, hopefully, I think” by: “sure, certain, will” - express confidence. Replace “price” with “value” In the process: own the next move Stakeholder base: 4-6 functions involved in decision-making: HR/L&D, Line manager, Procurement, Legal

10 Negotiate well Believe in your price
Change the price – change the offer Understand your ROI case Use unfamiliar increments Calculate the LCD number and quote it Ensure you/they understand what has been sold/bought – monitor your effort v return Be prepared for the gear shift between Stakeholder and Procurement Build enough fat in to negotiate (Veronique´s additional notes taken during the session): ROI: Understand what´s high value for client and low cost for you (e.g. cut prep time but not daily rate) LCD - Calculate the lowest common denominator and quote it (to make it easy for your client to understand and accept – it´s xx$ per seminar or per person) Give up on idea of making everyone happy, procurement is never happy! (bonused on saving) The hardest people to negotiate with are the nice guys Unusual increments are easier to believe when setting the limit: “3.41% is your limit? Yes! “


12 Selling High Value Services
Taking Sales to a Higher Level Selling High Value Services Barry Hilton Mercuri International

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