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Alpha Matting Using Belief Propagation

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Presentation on theme: "Alpha Matting Using Belief Propagation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alpha Matting Using Belief Propagation
Yi Li Colin Zheng

2 Intro to Matting C = α F + (1 – α) B

3 Intro to Matting Given C Come up with F, B, α C = α F + (1 – α) B

4 Intro to Matting C = α F + (1 – α) B Given C, and a guess
Come up with F, B, α C = α F + (1 – α) B


6 MRF X: α Y: C

7 BP Data Term Neighborhood Term MMSE Estimate by Marginalizing

8 Data Term

9 Neighborhood Term

10 Experiment Results

11 Experimental Results

12 Experimental Results

13 Comparison Yung-Yu’s Bayesian Matting Our Method Using BP

14 BP Analysis I Fixed Sampling Updated Sampling

15 BP Analysis II Iteration #1 Iteration #2 Iteration #3 Iteration #4

16 Application Gaussian Mixture Model Our Method

17 Future Work Make it faster Make it better Accelerated BP
Faster Sampling Make it better Gradient Guidance

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