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English II January 22, 2018 As you come in, pick up a “Parts of Speech” review and activity sheet (on the table). As soon as the bell rings we will do.

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Presentation on theme: "English II January 22, 2018 As you come in, pick up a “Parts of Speech” review and activity sheet (on the table). As soon as the bell rings we will do."— Presentation transcript:

1 English II January 22, 2018 As you come in, pick up a “Parts of Speech” review and activity sheet (on the table). As soon as the bell rings we will do a quick review of the parts of speech. If you have work to turn in from last week (many of you owe me work), turn it in now. Don’t forget to put your phones in the pocket holder and your bags against the wall.

2 Announcements Membean test on Thursday
You will have a benchmark test on January 29th. This will be a full-scale STAAR EOC test and will be conducted with all of the same procedures.

3 The Parts of Speech There are 8 parts of speech in the English language. Each of these parts of speech serves a particular function or functions which allow us to communicate clearly. You should and need to be familiar with these parts of speech. Nouns – persons, places, things, or ideas (proper nouns name specifics) Verbs – show action or state of being Adverbs – describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs (Answer the questions When? Where? And To what extent? Prepositions – show time and space relationships Conjunctions – coordinating: join similar elements in a sentence; subordinating: show unequal relationships Pronouns – replace nouns to avoid too much repetition Interjections – express strong or mild emotions

4 The parts of speech Many words in the English language can function as more than one part of speech. You can often (but not always) identify parts of speech by their endings. Nouns: -ity, -ness, -hood, -ment, -tion, -ism, -dom (not all nouns have these endings) Verbs: -fy, -ize, -ate (not all verbs have these endings) Adverbs: -ly (not all adverbs have these endings) Adjectives: -y, -ful, -ic, -al, -ive, -ish (not all adjectives have these endings)

5 Open your literature books to pg. 602
Inferences in Poetry Open your literature books to pg. 602

6 Homework Questions 1-9 on pg. 609 Parts of Speech worksheet

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