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Systems Thinking: Messaging

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1 Systems Thinking: Messaging
The Message Development Box and Template is a graphic organizer used to capture pieces of information that can be used to message to a variety of audiences in a system. Threshold: what are the barriers/challenges to your message Solution: when your message happens, this is the vision Coordinator Notes – 8 min: Messaging -- Now that we can visually see your systems, and you know what you need to do as next steps in your plan, let’s transition to how fellows move their work forward within systems -- the messaging. - Direct fellows to the CSTP Message Development Box and Template (make copies or send them attachments electronically). - It is important to create a message that you can use in your systems to move your work as fellows forward and can also be used with a variety of audiences in your system. The template is one way to organize information, but any graphic organizer that works for you can be used. Main message in the center is the crux of what you want. It stays the same and consistent, regardless of the audience. The four areas surrounding the main message are the kinds of details you’ll want to use to support your main message. Threshold: Think about the barriers and challenges other people may have with your message. In other words, put yourself in their shoes. Why do they feel this way? What ways can you alleviate their concerns and remove their barriers, so that they step over the threshold to your side? Action: What do you want people to do? There may be different actions for different audiences and stakeholders in your system. Make sure you are asking actions that are appropriate to your audience/stakeholder. If you’re not sure, do your research and find out. Reinforcement: What data, research and stories support your main message? There may be a lot of information you know of that support your main message. When you prepare your message for a particular audience, be selective in what you use and tailor to your audience. Solution: If your main message occurs, why will the world be a better place? What is the vision you see will happen? Paint this picture for people. Do one as an example with the whole group (i.e. Main Message…All Children Can Learn Math) or give your Fellows the Main Message and have them fill in the components (i.e. Could come up with the Main Message together). Action: what you want people to do Main Message Reinforcement: data, research and anecdotes

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