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A getting-started guide for

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1 A getting-started guide for
MLA 7.0 Citations A getting-started guide for Ohio’s students from INFOhio

2 When should I start my Works Cited or Bibliography page?
Since it’s the last page of my project, I should do it last…right? WRONG! Librarians recommend that you start a document when you begin your research. Collecting the citation information for the resources as you use them will save you time in the end!

3 I don’t know where to begin!

4 At your school library 

5 Your library has: Books Computers Online Databases
Helpful and knowledgeable Librarians!

6 What are the changes to MLA 7.0?
No more underlining – titles and name of online product are now italicized. No more long URLs – only use URL of resource if the citation information does not lead easily to the source. Continuous pagination – no longer required. Publication medium – include the medium type such as print, Web, performance, etc. New abbreviations – for missing information, such as n.d. for no date, n.p. for no publisher.

7 Print materials Last, First. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Copyright Date. Format. (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces) Sherrow, Victoria. Women in the Military. New York: Chelsea House, Print.

8 Journal Article (from a research database)
Author Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Name of Journal Volume #. Issue # (or date): Page-Page. Name of Database. Subscription Service. Web. Day Month Year accessed. <URL optional>. (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces) Margaonis, Maria. “The UK's Climate Rebels.” Nation (2009): Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 8 Dec

9 Video or Movie (DVD or VHS)
Title. Dir. First Name Last Name. Film's Year of Release. Distributor, Year. Publication Medium. (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces) African American Lives. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., 2006. PBS Home Video, DVD.

10 (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces)
Website Author Last Name, First Name. “Title of Page.” Name of Web Site. Publisher or Sponsor, Date of Publication. Web. Day Month Year accessed. <URL optional>. (Double-space lines and indent second line 5 spaces) “Civil War.” Ohio History Central. Ohio Historical Society Web. 8 Dec

11 Need other citation examples?
Ask your librarian to print the MLA Citation document available from INFOhio. Word: PDF: It contains information on the most commonly cited sources.

12 Think INFOhio for research resources!

13 INFOhio Resources include:
                     INFOhio Resources include: Biographies Periodicals Ohio Newspapers Science Content Encyclopedias And much more…

14 Even a program to help you schedule your project!

15 INFOhio’s Research Project Calculator guides you through the research process.

16 It will lead you step-by-step and set up timelines to keep you on task.

17 Need more help? Ask your friendly, helpful librarian!

18 Other Helpful Citation Sites

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