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Parts of Speech (AKA part of vocab this week)

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1 Parts of Speech (AKA part of vocab this week)

2 Noun Person, place, thing, or idea Ex. Banana, ice cream, London

3 Pronoun A word used in place of a noun
Ex. I, you, she, him, who, everyone, these, themselves, which

4 Verb A word that expresses action or the state of being
Ex. Ran, was, is, create, eat, were,

5 Adjective A word that describes a noun or a pronoun
Ex. Pretty, delicate, big, rough, tall, smart,

6 Adverb A word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb
Ex. Briefly, spontaneously, quickly, quietly, softly, forward, better,

7 Preposition A word that shows relationship to another word
“Anything the cat can do to the house” Ex – under, over, around, beyond, away from

8 Conjunction A word that connects other words or groups of words
Ex – and, or, but, because, yet, therefore, either/or, so

9 Interjection A word that shows strong emotion Often used with !
Ex – Oh no, yikes, oh man, ouch!

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