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Elementary School Counseling

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1 Elementary School Counseling
Comprehensive Programming

2 Similarities to RTI Model

3 Primary Support All Students receive: Classroom Guidance Curriculum
Frienship/Cooperation Personal Safety Study Skills Violence Prevention Understanding Diversity Transitions Career Awareness 80% - 90% Gain Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes taught.

4 Secondary Support Some Student Receive: Small Group Support
Social Skills Anger Control Grief Closing the Gap Interventions Acheivement Behavior Attendance 5% -10% Gain Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes taught.

5 Tertiary Support Few Student Receive: Individual Student Counseling
Crisis Counseling Consultation/Collaboration with CST/FST Referral to mental health services 1% - 5% Gain Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes taught.

6 Closing the Gap at Brubaker Elementary
Academic Achievement

7 Who ? 29 Fourth Grade Students
Non-proficient on previous year ITBS (math and/or reading)

8 What ? 8 weekly small group sessions 30 minutes
Emphasis on positive thinking, goal setting, relaxation techniques, problem solving Student Success Skills: Helping Students Develop the Academic, Social and Self-Management Skills They Need to Succeed Greg Brigman, Chari Campbell, & Linda Webb

9 Results Perception Data
Average score on assessment Pre: 11 Post: 16.2 Question number 3: “Student” is good at handling pressure when s/he takes a test. S/He uses breathing, picturing a positive scene and positive self talk to help her/him manage anxiety and boost confidence. 26/29 students gained 16/29 gained 2+ points

10 Results Achievement Data
67% showed growth in one or both areas 27% moved one or both to proficient

11 Groups were too large to impact a greater percentage of students
Implications What do the data tell me? Working with the “whole child” in a small group setting – focusing on confidence and reducing anxiety effectively impacted performance on standardized tests Groups were too large to impact a greater percentage of students

12 Thank You Damon Holland Brubaker Elementary

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