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October 2018

2 Changes in Commissioner’s Rules
TAC , Required Test Administration Procedures Removing the Security Supplement and adding a Test Security Policy Posting for public comment is planned for October or November Effective date is planned for February 2019

3 State Oaths for Beginning with December 2018 administration, only three state oaths of Test Security and Confidentiality will be available: District Superintendent/Chief Administrative Officer District and Campus Testing Coordinator General Oath (for all other testing personnel) State oaths are located in the District and Campus Coordinator Resources (DCCR) under Security tab and are interactive. M/pages/ /Test+security+oath

4 Test Security and Confidentiality
Confidentiality involves protecting all secure test content and includes: Test booklets Online assessments Online test tickets Completed answer documents STAAR Alternate 2 stimulus images and text TELPAS calibration activities and components for holistically rating student performance

5 Test Security and Confidentiality
Compliance with confidentiality requirements involves: Training testing personnel on their obligations concerning confidentiality Monitoring administrations to ensure all assessments are administered in strict accordance with the test administration procedures Reporting any alleged or confirmed breaches of confidentiality

6 Types of Irregularities
Serious – irregularities that constitute severe violations of test security and/or confidentiality and can result in the individual(s) responsible being referred to the TEA Educator Standards and Certification Division for consideration of disciplinary action Procedural – irregularities that are less severe and typically the result of minor deviations from testing procedures

7 Serious Irregularities
Constitute severe violations of test security or confidentiality Must be immediately investigated by the District (Office of Test Security) District must report to TEA as soon as the District Testing Coordinator is made aware of a possible or confirmed violation Can result in the individual(s) responsible being referred to the TEA Educator Certification and Standards Division for consideration of disciplinary action All evidence and documentation of a confirmed violation is forwarded to the Professional Standards Office (PSO), Employee Relations (ER), and Human Capital Management (HCM) for consideration of disciplinary action.

8 Examples of Serious Irregularities
Directly or indirectly assisting students with responses to test questions Viewing secure test content before, during, or after an administration without authorization by TEA Discussing secure test content, student responses, or student performance Tampering with student responses Scoring student tests, either formally or informally Falsifying holistic ratings or student responses

9 Examples of Serious Irregularities
Duplicating, recording, or electronically capturing confidential test content unless authorized by TEA Fraudulently exempting or preventing a student from participating in required state assessments Receiving or providing unallowable assistance during calibration activities (e.g. taking notes, sharing answers) Encouraging or assisting an individual to engage in any conduct described in the items listed above or any serious violation of test security Failing to report an individual engaged in any violation of test security

10 Potential Educator Sanctions (By State Board of Educator Certification)
Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand Suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term Revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate without opportunity for reapplication either for a set term or permanently

11 Procedural Irregularities
Reflect minor errors or deviations in testing procedures Do not represent severe breaches in test security or confidentiality Do not require a call to TEA unless guidance is needed by the District Must be reported via the online Testing Irregularity/Security Violation Form (TISV) as soon as possible and include statements from the test coordinator and all individuals involved

12 Examples of Procedural Irregularities
Eligibility Errors Eligible students were not tested. Students were tested with the wrong test or in the wrong language. Individualized Education Program (IEP) Implementation Errors Student was administered the wrong version of a test. A student did not receive allowable accommodations or was tested with unallowable accommodations

13 Examples of Procedural Irregularities
Improper Handling of/Accounting for Secure Materials Errors Testing personnel lost or misplaced completed answer document(s), test booklet(s), or other secure materials Test administrator or test coordinator did not return testing materials at the end of the testing day or by the critical deadlines

14 Examples of Procedural Irregularities
Monitoring Errors Secure testing materials were left in a room unmonitored Test administrator accepted a blank answer document and did not verify that a student had recorded his/her answers Students not properly monitored during testing or during lunch Test administrator not actively monitoring so students were able to share answers, use their cell phones, go back and work on the previous day’s test, or improperly use a dictionary or calculator

15 Examples of Procedural Irregularities
Other Procedural Errors Testing personnel did not read the test administration script verbatim from the test administrator manual Student was permitted to test beyond the allotted time limit or not provided the full time to complete the assessment Personnel permitted to administer tests, monitor test sessions, relieve a test administrator during a break, handle secure materials without being properly trained or signing an oath Seating chart not fully completed Testing personnel failed to remove or cover instructional material that could provide answers to students during testing

16 Reporting Testing Irregularities
Anyone aware of a potential testing irregularity must report it to the appropriate authority (Test Coordinator, Principal, Executive Director, Assessment Department, Office of Test Security). Assessment Department must be contacted for instructions on how to proceed with testing. The Test Irregularity/Security Violation Form (TISV Form) must be completed and submitted online immediately. Additional statements and documentation should be collected and submitted as quickly as possible.

17 Test Irregularity/Security Violation (TISV) Submission Guidelines
Determine type of irregularity Contact Assessment Department and/or Office of Test Security for guidance Collect statements (refer to “Questions to Answer” and “Sample Statement” on Assessment website for how to write an appropriate statement) Submit information on the online TISV form

18 TISV Form (Top)

19 TISV Form (Bottom)

20 Required Test Security Documentation
Scan and submit in three separate attachments to District Principal/TC Oaths - as soon as possible Secure Storage Forms – as soon as possible Campus Test Security Plans – by October 30, 2018 All testing documentation must be kept for 5 years.

21 Office of Test Security Rina Davis 972-925-8868
Need Help? Office of Test Security Rina Davis


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