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Moral Dilemmas 1. Would you drive your boat faster to save the lives of five drowning people knowing that a person in your boat will fall off and drown?

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Presentation on theme: "Moral Dilemmas 1. Would you drive your boat faster to save the lives of five drowning people knowing that a person in your boat will fall off and drown?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Moral Dilemmas 1. Would you drive your boat faster to save the lives of five drowning people knowing that a person in your boat will fall off and drown? 2. Would you fail to give a drug to a terminally ill patient knowing that he will die without it but his organs could be used to save 3 other people? 3. Would you suffocate your screaming baby if it would prevent enemy soldiers from finding and killing you both, along with 8 others hiding out with you?

3 Moral Dilemmas You are the captain of a military submarine.  An onboard explosion has caused the sub to lose most of its air supply and has injured one of your crew who is quickly losing blood.   The injured crew member is probably going to die from his wounds no matter what happens. There isn’t enough air for the whole crew.   The only way to save the other crew members is to shoot dead the injured crew member so that there will be just enough air for you and the rest of the crew to survive. What would you do? Explain.

4 Moral Dilemmas You are part of a group studying animals in the jungle. The group includes eight children. Your group is captured by terrorists who keep you all locked up for several days.   One of the terrorists likes you.  He tells you that the leader plans to kill everyone the next day. However, he says he will help you escape, under one condition.  To make sure you won’t go to the police, the terrorist wants to videotape you killing one of the other adults in your group.   If you accept his offer, the other adults will die but you and the eight children will escape. Do you accept or decline this offer? Explain.

5 Moral Dilemmas The enemy has taken over your town.  You have two children, ages five and eight.   There is an enemy doctor who performs painful experiments on humans that always lead to death. He intends to perform experiments on one of your children, but he will allow you to choose which of his children he will experiment on.   If you refuse to bring one of your children to him, he will find them both and experiment on each of them. What would you do? Explain. This one is on warm-ups


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