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The Pardoner.

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1 The Pardoner

2 The Pardoner was based on Chaucer’s disgust for the Medieval Church
At this time, the Roman Catholic Church sold indulgences. This meant that they would sell pieces of paper stating that you would spend less time in purgatory (a hellish place to pay for your sins, before you got to go to heaven) This policy created such a distrust/corruption in the Church the official indulgences were ended by Pope Pious soon after, but the damage was already done.

3 The Black Death The Black Death and death was so prevalent during this time period that people were ready and willing to spend money to “get rid of their sins” before they died. That is where our dear friend, The Pardoner, comes in.

4 The Pardoner They were usually people claiming to be a part of the church, but were usually not. They were looking to make a quick buck, so they tricked/cheated people into believing that they were pardoning (or forgiving them) for their sins. Because death was such a part of people’s lives, they actually bought into the pardoner’s act.

5 QuickWrite “The love of money is the root of all evil”
Why would the Pardoner say this? Why would Chaucer make this a point in the Pardoners tale How does this statement relate to you?

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