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The Catholic Reformation/ (AKA: The Counter Reformation)

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Presentation on theme: "The Catholic Reformation/ (AKA: The Counter Reformation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Catholic Reformation/ (AKA: The Counter Reformation)

2 The Counter Reformation
Period of efforts by the Catholic Church to improve and combat the Protestant Ref. Led by Pope Paul III

3 Council of Trent 3 Church councils (1545-1563)
Reaffirms Church doctrine 7 sacraments, Church and Scripture authoritative, Good Works + Faith, Monasticism protected, celibacy upheld, purgatory affirmed, indulgences ok Reform abuses in the church Work to end abuses surrounding indulgences, simony, absenteeism, clerical ignorance

4 The Index of Forbidden Books
List of works banned by the Catholic Church Works that challenged church teaching (ie. Reformers, Philosophers, Scientists)

5 The Jesuits (Society of Jesus) 1540
Founded by Ignatius Loyola Seeks to improve church education, spread the gospel, fight protestantism Oversees Inquisitions in Rome and Spain to root out heresy

6 The Ursuline Order Convent dedicated to improving Catholic education for young women

7 Theresa of Avila Catholic nun who receives visions of Christ
Creates new convent, advocates mysticism and individual piety

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