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Figure A Figure B 12/07/2006 Rev B

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1 Figure A Figure B 12/07/2006 Rev B
If your screen looks like the picture (figure A) with the slide show visible (circled in red) on the left hand side of the screen you need to press the button F5 now Figure A If your screen looks like the picture (figure B) click your left mouse button to continue. Figure B 12/07/2006 Rev B

2 T-1630 Tablets for Electronic Signatures
This work has been produced by DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd This Learner’s Tool is about the skills and knowledge required to load vehicles at warehousing facilities of DGL (Aust) 1/3/2019

3 Before you get started 1/3/2019
It is important that you complete all sections in this learning tool as it has been designed so that You can abide by the procedures of our organization. You can apply what you have learnt in this package in your day to day activities This Learning Tool is designed to be relevant only to DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd employees and only applied whilst employed with DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd You may have already acquired knowledge in the area identified in this package as you may have completed some specialized training. Or you may have been working within the industry for some time. Should you identify any improvement opportunities in the information contained in this package or have difficulties completing the package please contact National Training and Compliance Manager DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd PO BOX 1594 EAGLE FARM QLD 4009 Ph Fax 1/3/2019

4 Introduction At DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd we acknowledge the importance of mobile technologies in improving business communication and productivity. As such we have around the country tablets to allow electronic signatures, and or other information to be obtained. Employees issued with a mobile tablet are expected to understand the conditions of use, exercise the same care, security and careful use of the mobile device as if it were their own property 1/3/2019

5 Introduction (cont) Each employee who utilises mobile devices agrees: • The mobile device is for business purposes, personal use is not permitted • Not to use the device for inappropriate use and access of internet sites etc. • Not to download any applications to the devices be it through connection to computers, memory sticks from an untrusted or unknown source to equipment. • To make every reasonable effort to ensure that DGL (Aust) Pty Ltd information is not compromised through the use of mobile equipment in a public place. • Not to share the device with other individuals to protect the business data access through the device • Not to use the device whilst operating a motor vehicle a road, public or private property • Mobile devices must never be left unattended in a public place, or in a motor vehicle, even if it is locked. Wherever possible they should be kept on the person or securely locked away. • Mobile tablet devices are to be returned daily to the office at the close of business. • Supervisors are to be immediately notified in the event of loss or theft of the device. 1/3/2019

6 The tablet is turned on by pressing the bottom on the top right hand side of the tablet
Once turned on you will get the screen that looks like the one shown on the tablet here 1/3/2019

7 On this screen you have three options
Electronic POD Take Photographs Send an On the following slides will discuss the purpose of these in detail 1/3/2019

8 This is where you will spend the majority of your time. It is where
Electronic POD This is where you will spend the majority of your time. It is where the electronic signature is completed and where photographs for the delivery are saved into our computer system 1/3/2019

9 Take a Photo This allows you to take a photograph that you wish to share with your supervisor. An example cannot perform a delivery due to problems at the delivery site. Or if you had a motor vehicle accident. When photographs are taking using this option it does not save the photograph in our logistics system. So its just like taking a photograph on a smartphone 1/3/2019

10 This allows you to send a message to your supervisor
Send an This allows you to send a message to your supervisor It can only send s out of the tablet to other people. It does not receive s from other people. 1/3/2019

11 Within this presentation we are not going to go into details on photographs and emails apps
You will not be expected to use these on a daily basis and it is only for ad-hoc situations. Your local supervisor can show you how these work as they are standard applications for any android tablet that you would purchase from a shop 1/3/2019

12 When you press the EPOD system app you will get the below screen for you to enter you user name and password. 1/3/2019

13 After entering your user name and password and pressing submit button the screen will change so that you can enter the LMS number of the delivery that you are gong to get a signature for. Enter the number and press the load button. 1/3/2019

14 Once pressing Load ensure you have the right job by checking the paperwork to the information shown on the tablet 1/3/2019

15 and enter their full name
Now have the receiver sign for the goods and enter their full name They can also select condition of the goods received And they may write any comments 1/3/2019

16 Once all the details are completed press the green tick to complete the job and the screen will change 1/3/2019

17 Photographs (One only)
To add photographs to a delivery press the “camera” Then press the “camera” option 1/3/2019

18 Photographs (One Only)
Once you are happy with the picture press the “camera” to take the photograph It you are happy with the photograph Then press the “tick”. If you wish to redo the photograph press the “cross”. 1/3/2019

19 Photographs (One Only)
To add photographs to a delivery press the “camera” Then press the “camera” option 1/3/2019

20 Photographs (Multiple)
If you wish to add more than one photograph to all you need to do is press the camera button again when you are returned to this screen 1/3/2019

21 Photographs Once the photograph has been uploaded it is immediately available in LMS by CSO, Manages and supervisors Periodically the photographs stored on the camera will need to be deleted 1/3/2019

22 All the details that comes from the tablet
Once a job is completed it saves the information ta file in computer system as shown on this screen All the details that comes from the tablet 1/3/2019

23 Other information To cancel a job at any time press the “cross”
To add photographs to a delivery press the “camera” 1/3/2019

24 Other information If there is no signature Or
2) The name is less than 5 letters then you will get a message to “check the signature or name” and the job will not complete. 1/3/2019

25 Other information If you do not put in a valid docket number you the screen will be blank like shown Simple put in the job number again and press load 1/3/2019

26 Other information If you get stuck in any screen or area of the tablet press the square box and then the sweep button. This will close all apps. Alternatively you can turn the tablet on and off 1/3/2019

27 There is no test There is no test for this training module
You can use the job number to play with the tablet and see how the features work 1/3/2019

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