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Nightly Expectations this week

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1 Nightly Expectations this week
Weekly Notes from 2nd Grade Command Central Week of September 19-23 Nightly Expectations this week Our Second Week Each night the children are expected to read for at least minutes and practice quick recall of addition and subtraction facts to 20. This week: We are continuing to focus and review citizenship and American customs and traditions. Additionally, we will discuss diversity within communities. In math, we will review graphing and start ordinal numbers. Throughout the week we will be learning about how and why readers make connections. Additionally, we will continue practicing writing complete sentences. -Each week we will post *I Can* Statements where you can learn more information about these areas of study. Please note... * Wednesday, September 21 is a student half day * Back to School Night is on Tuesday, September 20th at 7:00pm. This is an adult only event. Please mark your calendar! We look forward to meeting with you that evening!  *Please help your child by reminding him/her to bring his/her pocket folder, daily journal, and a healthy snack each day. If you received a note about classroom allergies, please remember to pack peanut and tree nut free items. If you have not already sent in a chair pocket, tub, or art smock, PLEASE send those in as soon as possible!  Homework Monday: 1. Writing: Review the 100 most frequently used words that are posted on the 2nd Grade Blog under the 2nd Grade References tab. *Your child should be able to read and spell these words fluently. 2. Reading: Read to an adult for minutes. Tuesday: 2. Reading: Read to an adult for 15 minutes. Wednesday: STUDENT HALF DAY dismissal: 11:05 Thursday: Reminders  Should your child have a change in his/her afternoon transportation, a WRITTEN NOTE must be sent or a phone call needs to be made to the office to notify them of the change.

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