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Presentation on theme: "CO2 CAPTOR PAVEMENT FOR REDUCING GLOBAL WARMING"— Presentation transcript:

Research and Development Department of United Global Pavings

2 Global warming The rise in the concentration of CO2 and in the terrestrial temperature follow the same tendency. Global warning takes place because of the greenhouse effect produced by certain gases in the atmosphere, mainly CO2. Global warming refers to rise in the terrestrial atmosphere and oceans’ temperature observed in the last decades. The rise in the terrestrial temperature in the last 100 years has quantified in 0,6 ºC. Climate patterns estimate that the next 100 years’ rise will range between 1,1 and 6,4 ºC.

3 Gases of greenhouse effect
CO2 Gases of greenhouse effect Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main gas contributing to the greenhouse effect. Nevertheless, other gases also cause it, such as water steam (H2O), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxides (NOx), ozone (O3) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC). The consequences of the rise in the concentration of these gases can be terrible. Among others, rise of the sea level, tremendous environmental harm, deseases, damages caused by violent climate events, crop failures and decrease of water resources. These potential dangers led to the Kyoto protocol (1997), in which all countries accorded to reduce the 5 % of the emission of some of these gases between 2008 and 2012. 3

4 Strategic objectives of UGP
Since we are aware of those environmental dangers, our strategic objectives are: To help to reduce the environmental impact adapting our paving for this aim, using innovative technologies. To keep intact the aesthetic and mechanic properties of our paving. Bearing in mind the potential advantages of our products: Our pavings are used in extensive urban surface areas, where the pollution is higher. Therefore, the decontaminating efficiency is greater. They have high versatility to fuse paving’s original raw materials with other additives bearing decontaminating action. 4

5 CO2 capturing Obtaining process of Production process
In order to reduce the CO2 of the atmosphere and mitigate global warming, Geosilex® has been used in the formulation of our pavings. Geosilex® is an innovative product consisting of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) which captures CO2. Production process Purifying and optimizing process Obtaining process of From an industrial waste amortized energetically and environmentally 5

6 CO2 capturing method KLIMCO flagstone’s decontaminating action
From a natural compound (calcium hydroxide), obtained in an industrial process as a non-valorizable byproduct. When the CO2 gets in touch with the tile, which has calcium hydroxide in its composition, a chemical reaction is produced, and water and calcium carbonate are the resulting products: Calcium hydroxide Carbone dioxide Calcium carbonate Water This reaction takes place gradually during the lifespan of the material, until all the Ca(OH)2 is converted into CaCO3. Calcium carbonate is an inert compound which forms limestone, so that it gives excellent mechanic properties to the tile for its use in paving. 6

7 CO2 capturing results The result of CO2 capturing using Geosilex in our pavings are: 2550 kg CO2 is captured per 1000 m2 of material with a 4 cm thick tile. 3530 kg CO2 is captured per 1000 m2 of material with a 6 cm thick tile. These results mean that 1400 and 1930 m3 of CO2 are eliminated by a 4 and 6 cm thick flagstone, respectively. Therefore, KLIMCO flagstone is able to decontaminate m3 and m3 of polluted air depending on the thickness of the tile (4 or 6 cm) for each 1000 m2 of material (110 ppm CO2 excess in the air). 7

8 Conclusions Using KLIMCO we help to stop climate change, eliminating up to 3530 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere per 1000m2 of paving. The decontaminating action of KLIMCO is equivalent to the purification more than m3 of air contaminated with CO2 excess. KLIMCO has Geosilex as the active principle, an additive obtained from a reaction byproduct in an industrial process. Thus, the process of getting Geosilex has a null energetic and environmental cost. At the same time, we recover a compound that, if not used for this alternative purpose, would be considered a residue, and it would need to be sent to the dumpsite. The mechanic properties of calcium carbonate are excellent for their use in paving, since this is the compound which forms limestone. 8

Research and Development Department of United Global Pavings 9


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