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©2010, Dr. Jennifer L. Bell, LaGrange High School, LaGrange, Georgia

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Presentation on theme: "©2010, Dr. Jennifer L. Bell, LaGrange High School, LaGrange, Georgia"— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2010, Dr. Jennifer L. Bell, LaGrange High School, LaGrange, Georgia
(MCC9-12.S.ID.6a; MCC9-12.S.ID.6c; MCC9-12.S.ID.7)

2 Enter the data into two lists. Press and then select Edit.
Enter years in L1 and number of deaths in L2.

3 Find an equation of linear regression line. Press
choose the CALC menu, and select LinReg(ax + b). Enter L1 and L2.

4 y = -7.62x

5 y = -7.62x

6 y = -7.62x y = y ≈ (1995)

7 y = -7.62x y = y ≈ (2012)

8 100. y = -7.62x = -7.62x x ≈ (100)

9 Tongue Twister Lab Materials Graphing Calculator & Stopwatch

10 Tongue Twister Lab Directions
1. Teacher: Divide into groups of 6 people. 2. Teacher: Assign each group one of the tongue twisters. 3. Assign each group member an unique number between 1 and 6. 4. Form a semicircle (sitting in numerical order). 5. Using the stopwatch, time Person #1 saying the assigned tongue twister to Person #2. 6. Record the time to the nearest tenth of a second on the table. 7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 by adding the next person to the chain. Be sure each person speaks one after the other.

11 Tongue Twisters One smart fellow, he felt smart. Two smart fellows, they felt smart. Three witches wished three wishes, but which witch wished which wish?

12 Time (to the nearest tenth of a second)
Number of people Time (to the nearest tenth of a second) 1 2 3 4 5 6

13 Three witches wished… One smart fellow,

14 Questions: Estimate the number of seconds for 30 people to say each tongue twister. a. b. 2. Compare the regression lines for each tongue twister. Explain any differences.

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