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I am going to tell you about a indonesian rainforest, It is very interesting!

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2 I am going to tell you about a indonesian rainforest, It is very interesting!

3 Indonesia is a very tropical place and has lots of tropical rainforests. It has more tropical seasons than most places and that is why they have different plants and animals. Indonesia is very hot so the average temperature is very high for each month. Indonesia has the average temperature of 29 degrees in January, March, April, May, June, August, September, October and December.The average temperature is 28 degrees for February and July. November has the highest average for the year with 30. The average low of of the year is 25 for every month of the year. The total rainfall for each month is January, March, May and July had 250mm for the month. February and August had 240mm. For June and December they had 230mm. For April they had 200mm. For September it was 220mm. In October they had 180mm and November had 190mm.

4 The bengal tiger has been endangered since 2010 and there's an estimate of fewer than 2,500 in the wild and that number is decreasing rapidly each year. The male bengal tiger can be from 270cm to to as big as 310 cm including the tail and that is almost double the height of a normal man. For a female bengal tiger they can be from 240cm to to as big as 265cm including the tail which is almost double of the average woman. what they eat The bengal tiger can eat a range of different things from a small termite to a huge buffalo. They can eat smaller things termites, frogs, birds, porcupines and different types of fish. then they can eat bigger things like wild deer, monkeys, young elephant calves, young buffalo calves and a kind of wild cattle called gaur.

5 Rafflesia arnoldii The Rafflesia arnoldii is the largest plant in the world. It has a terrible smell that is as bad as rotten fish, and that is why it has got the nickname` the corpse flower`. Rafflesia arnoldii is one of indonesia's national flowers so it is native to them and it can be spotted a lot their. The odour appeals to flies and it is sort of pollinated by carrion-flies. It is leafless, rootless, stemless and It can be used in a traditional medicines. the Rafflesia arnoldii only becomes visible when its plump buds emerge through the bark of its host and develop into the large, fresh flower pollinated by carrion-flies. It can weigh up to 7 kilos (15 pounds)

6 Land Slides happen a lot in rainforests because they are very wet because of the rain and dewyness. They happen a lot in the rainforest because it has a lot of hill mountains that get a lot of rain.

7 The terrain of the indonesian rainforest is really hilly and covered in trees. There is lots of streams, rivers and lakes. There are lots of mountains


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