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Sheryl Barnes Senior Educational Technology Specialist

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1 Leveraging Popular Culture Websites to Engage Students and Facilitate Learning
Sheryl Barnes Senior Educational Technology Specialist UIT Academic Technology Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine 10/16/08 Check sound in the room – instructor and students Thanks for coming, Introductions: me go around the room – say your name and where you work.

2 First, a few questions for you…
In order to make this time as productive as possible for you, I’d like to know: Why did you sign up for this workshop? Are there any specific things that you hope to get out of it?

3 My plan is to focus this workshop on:
Using popular websites to engage students and facilitate learning via: (videos) (photos) (social bookmarking) In each case, I’ll introduce the site give you a chance to explore the site on your own discuss what you learned with your neighbor and the group as a whole

4 A few more questions for you…
Vote: A = never B = 1-5 times C = 5-10 times D = >10 times How many times have you been on YouTube? How many times have you been on Flickr? Have you ever used a social bookmarking site? How many times have you taught with any of these sites? Turn clicker on, see blue power light. This is a clicker (classroom response system, CRS) anonymous polling of students promotes active learning & engages students come to AT for more info/support if you want to use them Show of hands – who has used a clicker like this before – in a class or workshop or other professional setting? Very simple

5 Web 2.0 – What does it mean? It depends who you ask…
Yieichs - can be overwhelming, but doesn’t have to be… User-generated content, supports active learning It’s about the people….…and also the content

6 YouTube We know that people have different learning styles, and that many people benefit most from active learning a variety of media can help with that Search – “veterinary” … explore … Play, volume, share, favorites, playlist, comments URL, embed tag Related videos Link to who posted Categories (howto & style, education, pets) Channels – uc system (UC Davis) UC Davis Spark toolkit – easy to embed in wiki or blog show spark toolkit get login from DG free tools for any use show videos for my presentation

7 YouTube Activity Spend 5 minutes searching YouTube for videos that are relevant to your work. Pair up with your neighbor. Discuss what you have or have not found so far. Spend 5 minutes looking for more content together. Report back to the group about your neighbor’s experience.

8 Flickr Photo sharing site (could be photos of drawings or paintings or anything) Search for images – take a few suggestions from the audience Note – creative commons license Map – to share research me – antarctica > Organize > Map Home > geotagged > Somerville, MA Activity – explore site, discuss with neighbor or group… Art History example

9 This is a social bookmarking site… probably a less familiar concept
at the very least, it’s great to have all your bookmarks in one place, rather than different sets on home & work computers. kind of like a cited reference search (in library parlance) Watch video intro until timestamp Need to create a login to save bookmarks, but you can browse bookmarks without a login. Ask for search from audience – a topic you’d like to learn about… to Google results example – “active learning” Login, show my bookmarks tags – cloud or list Connect to others, browse their bookmarks Lists Groups networks – could use in class, but everyone would need a login. Specific uses in vet ed One more site - Explore

10 Wrap-up Remaining Questions Observations Discussion / Feedback
Senior Educational Technology Specialist UIT Academic Technology

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