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What is Imperialism? Simple: It’s the building of an empire

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Presentation on theme: "What is Imperialism? Simple: It’s the building of an empire"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Imperialism? Simple: It’s the building of an empire
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the U.S. began acquiring colonies and building its own empire

2 Why did the U.S. build an empire?

3 Economic Reasons Raw materials: pineapple, sugar cane, jute

4 Markets for U.S. manufactures

5 Reason #2: International Prestige

6 Reason #3: Military Power!
Capt Alfred Thayer Mahan: To be a great power, you must have a great navy!

7 To have a great navy, you will require colonies both for raw materials and for coaling stations!
(Map of Pearl Harbor)

8 But wait! There’s more! To protect your colonies and coaling stations you need…a great navy!

9 Charter members of the Mahan fan club

10 Reason 4: “Blessings of Civilization”
Missionaries: American missionary efforts were big in Hawaii, China and the Philippines

11 That means… no more of THIS!
Muumuus are invented!

12 Another blessing: Modern medicine!

13 And another blessing: Neato American manufactured goods…

14 Nice white folks… …who will very happy to tell you how to run your country

15 And if you object?

16 Queen Lilioukalani: Hawaii’s last monarch
This unit will begin with her story

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