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Career Research Project

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1 Career Research Project
Using databases and MLA citation for Career Research Project

2 MLA Citation & Project Overview
Research information for career project Web site evaluation Reasons why citing is necessary and an overview of Modern Language Association (MLA) citing rules

3 How Do You Judge A Website?
Are the facts and information presented accurate and can be confirmed by other resources? Is the information current? Is the information biased? Can you tell who the author(s) is (are)? Do they list their credentials, are they associated with a college? How does the information compare with other sources that are also available on the topic? Are reliable links provided to other sites When was the information last updated? Is contact information provided?

4 How Do You Judge A Website?
Save the Pacific NorthWest Tree Octopus Aluminium Foil Deflector Beanie California's Velcro Crop Under Challenge Buy Dehydrated Water Mankato MN

5 Database Defined: scholarly and professional articles
Reports, statistics, case studies, book chapters and some complete books Information has been selected by editors Periodical database articles were printed first in an magazine, journal, or newspaper which had editors Research databases will give you higher quality, more focused results than you will find by going to a Web search engine such as Google




9 Username: dulutheast Password:

10 To Cite is… To give credit to another for academic or creative work they have done and you are using

11 WHY? Intellectual Property is protected by Copyright Laws
Protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law Protects original works of authorship

12 Plagiarism "To steal and use the ideas or writings of another as one's own." 


14 Student must cite when:
using another writer's facts, ideas, or opinions repeating a writer's wording repeating a writer's particularly apt term paraphrasing a writer's argument presenting a writer's line of thinking

15 Student Discipline Policy for Plagiarizing
1st Offense:   Teacher conference with student.  Teacher discretion for consequences. 2nd Offense: Parent notification and/or conference.  Teacher discretion for consequences. 3rd Offense:   Administrative conference.  Consideration for loss of credit.  1 to 3 days in- or out-of-school suspension.

16 How to cite Figure out what kind of resource you are using. Is it print, website, image, journal article, online encyclopedia, etc.? Use Citing Resources document from East’s Library webpage or from a pathfinder. Make a separate Works Cited page and put at the end of your paper.


18 Works Cited Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Career Opportunities In Education. New York: Ferguson, Print. “Librarian.” Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor, n.d. Web. 1 Mar “School of Library and Information Studies.” Academics. University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2011. Web. 3 May 2012.

19 Parenthetical Citation
MLA style uses parenthetical citations in the text following each quotation, paraphrase, summary, or reference to a source. Each citation…refers to an entry in the Works Cited list at the end of the essay.

20 Parenthetical Citation
Refers your reader from your paper to the correct source of information you used. Citation is put in parentheses . Punctuation is at the end of the parenthesis.

21 So… To be able to do parenthetical citation within your paper, you must first have your Works Cited list complete and correct. This will avoid having to re-do your parenthetical citations. That way, you can refer your reader from your paper to the correct source of information you used. Check the library webpage for directions. Click on the Parenthetical Citation page.

22 Works Cited Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Career Opportunities In Education. New York: Ferguson, Print. “Librarian.” Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor, n.d. Web. 1 Mar “School of Library and Information Studies.” Academics. University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2011. Web. 3 May 2012.

23 Parenthetical Citation for:
Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Career Opportunities In Education. New York: Ferguson, Print. School librarians must have an education degree (Echaore 191).

24 Print sources Use East’s cart of career books.
Make note of the pages you use so your parenthetical citation is correct. We can copy your pages on the library copier. Career Center has many pamphlets

25 Citing print Echaore-McDavid, Susan. Career Opportunities In Education. New York: Ferguson, Print. Check the title page for information. Cite a pamphlet like a book.

26 Careers Pathfinder – use for your citing
On East’s Library webpage > Research> Pathfinders > Career_Pathfinder_Hannula_2012 Has all the citation examples Use the Careers Pathfinder for correct citation models.



29 Works Cited Models for a Works Cited document is on the Careers pathfinder. Copy the model for your source and paste into your Works Cited document Substitute your source information in the model, keeping the punctuation. Do this for each of your sources. Your source cards duplicate your Works Cited entries.

30 Webpages suggested by MCIS:
“Librarian.” Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor, n.d. Web. 10 Feb “School of Library and Information Studies.” Academics. University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2011. Web. 3 Feb


32 Google Docs I will check your Works Cited document one time in print or via Google Docs. More info coming later. I may also need to see all of your print-outs and/or webpages that you are using.

33 Project Review Find at least 4 sources of information – use MCIS, OOH, and print Print off your online sources Mark page numbers on note cards for print sources Write your source cards (same as your Works Cited entries). Write your Works Cited document – check Careers Pathfinder for models to follow Create your full sentence outline. Use parenthetical citations Smile because you are done! 

34 Parenthetical Citation for:
“Librarian.” Occupational Outlook Handbook, Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U. S. Department of Labor, n.d. Web. 1 Mar Librarians help people find information from many sources

35 Parenthetical Citation for”
“School of Library and Information Studies.” Academics. University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2011. Web. 3 May 2012. The UW-Madison ranks “ …in the nation's top ten in the education of children's and youth services librarians, school library media specialists, and archivists”

36 Librarian articles from MCIS
“Librarians." Minnesota Career Information System Web. 1 Feb “Real World Interviews: Reference Librarians.” Minnesota Career Information System Web. 1 Feb

37 Requirements for Career Project
At least 4 sources - MCIS, OOH, print Parenthetical citation Note cards Source cards Full sentence outline Works Cited document

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