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Insulators and Conductors

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Presentation on theme: "Insulators and Conductors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Insulators and Conductors
Objective: Describe insulators and conductors. Identify materials that are good insulators and conductors.

2 What are Insulators? Insulators are materials that do not allow heat to move easily through them.

3 Using your booklet, name materials that are insulators.

4 What do Insulators help do?

5 What are Conductors? Conductors are materials that allow heat to move easily through them.

6 Examples of Conductors

7 Glass

8 Paper

9 Who’s Hungry???

10 To eat you must…. Decide which material I need to cook with. Do I need to cook with an Insulator or a Conductor? Insulator- does not allow heat to travel through it easily. Conductor- does allow heat to travel through it easily.

11 And the Answer Is…

12 Conductor!!!

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