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Intentional Leadership

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Presentation on theme: "Intentional Leadership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intentional Leadership
“The conscious effort to choose and create specific, observable characteristics within yourself, your team, or your organization.”

2 The Three Levels of Intentional Leadership
Leading Organizations Leading Others Leading Self

3 ILEAD and Executive MBA
Leading Organizations Organizational Change Model Leading Others MBTI: Teams Building Leading Self MBTI: Self Development Personal Change Model Self Development Process

4 Building an Effective Team
David Knipping © 2016 David Knipping

5 Myers Briggs Type Indicator®
© 2016 David Knipping

6 MBTI Information A self-reported instrument
No good/bad, No right/wrong An indicator of preferences, not abilities or skills Well-researched and used worldwide Everyone uses each preference, but you like some better than others © 2016 David Knipping

7 The Thought Leaders Behind Preference
© 2016 David Knipping

8 Exploring Preferences

9 Preference Scales 50% 50% 70% 30% 40% 60% 55% 45% Extroversion
Introversion 50% Gain Energy 50% Sensing Intuition 70% Gather Information 30% Thinking Feeling 40% Make Decisions 60% Judgement Perception 55% Drive Lifestyle 45% © 2016 David Knipping

10 Extraversion and Introversion
An extravert’s get energy from the environment— the outer world of people and things. An introvert’s get energy from within—the inner world of thoughts and reflection. © 2016 David Knipping

11 Gain Energy Extraversion Introversion Ideas and concepts
Internal Depth Private Reflective Articulate Limited relationships Think, then speak Conserve People and things External Breadth Public Expressive Verbal Multiple relationships Speak, then think Extend © 2016 David Knipping

12 Introvert or Extrovert?
Join the group at the designated flipcharts who you share the same preference as you (E/I) In your groups, discuss and flipchart the answers to these questions: What two questions would you like to ask your opposite to better understand/work with them? What two pieces of advice would you give your opposite to help better understand/work with them? © 2016 David Knipping

13 Sensing and iNtuition A Sensor takes in information by way of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. An iNtuiter takes in information by way of a “sixth sense” or hunch. © 2016 David Knipping

14 Gather Information Sensing iNtuition Facts and details Experience
Past/present Perspiration Actual Practicality Literal Sequential learning Meanings and patterns Hunches Future Inspiration Possible Ingenuity Figurative Random learning © 2016 David Knipping

15 © 2016 David Knipping

16 Thinking and Feeling A thinker decides on the basis of logic and objective consideration. A feeler decides on the basis of personal, subjective values. © 2016 David Knipping

17 Make Decisions Thinking Feeling Objective Logical Analytical Detached
Policy Justice Subjective Sensitive Experiential Involved Social values Harmony © 2016 David Knipping

18 Who Goes?? What is your goal for this trip?
You are the coach of a youth (14-15 years of age) baseball team with a roster of 12 players. The team has earned the right to compete in a national competition. You can only bring only 9 players. What is your goal for this trip? What criteria will you use to decide which 9 players you will take with you? © 2016 David Knipping

19 Judger and Perceiver A Judger’s lifestyle is decisive, planned, and orderly. A Perceiver’s lifestyle is flexible, adaptable, and spontaneous. © 2016 David Knipping

20 Order Your Life Judging Perceiving Scheduled/structured Planned
Decided Control Outcome-oriented Wrap it up Run one’s life Time Specific Pending/flexible Spontaneous Gather more data Adapt Process-oriented Something will turn up Let life happen Time-relative © 2016 David Knipping

21 Describe a recent vacation…
How much research and planning did you do? How far in advance did you make reservations? When did you pack? Did you plan every day? If anything went “wrong”, how did you feel? © 2016 David Knipping

22 Learning About Your Type
Read the summary type description for your type on page 9 of Introduction to Type along with the full 2 page description. What are your strengths and blind spots? Complete worksheet Discuss in pairs © 2016 David Knipping

23 © Smith Training & Consulting, LLC
Truth About Type Type is not an excuse Type is personality not psychology Preferences should get stronger over time, but with maturity comes the ability to access your opposite preferences © 2016 David Knipping © Smith Training & Consulting, LLC

24 EMBA 20 Cohort Type Write your name under your type on the Type Table in room EMBA 20 MBTI Type is _ _ _ _ © 2016 David Knipping

25 What is a Team? “A group of individuals who share a common goal and the responsibility for achieving it.” Patrick Lencioni © 2015 David Knipping

26 Sample of “Teams” French Olympic Team US Olympic Ski Team Brazilian
World Cup Team © 2015 David Knipping

27 Your Team Type Figure out your Team Type Find the two page description
Complete the worksheet on your team and discuss © 2016 David Knipping

28 Team Operating Model Assignment 11.1 Details
With your study team, create a team operating model to guide your work together complete with the following: Ground rules Roles and responsibilities Conflict Resolution Project checklist Meeting checklist Length: one page, double-spaced, bullet points OK. Final due 9/24/18, 5:00 PM to your executive coach

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