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2018-2019 JURY ADVISOR (Start & Finish Referee) & REFEREE
rev Oct 22
An athlete’s competition age class is calculated by actual age on December 31 of the competition season. The current competition season is: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 An athlete’s competition age class will be determined by their actual age on December 31, 2018.
Any U.S. Ski & Snowboard athlete – including those with General, non-scored Student or Short Term Athlete memberships – suspected of having sustained a concussion must be removed immediately from participation in U.S. Ski & Snowboard sporting events (e.g. sanctioned training, practice, camps, competitions or tryouts). The athlete will be prohibited from further participation until evaluated and cleared in writing to resume participation by a healthcare provider trained in evaluation and management of concussive head injuries. Upon removal of an athlete from participation for a suspected concussion, the Technical Delegate or member coach making the removal must inform U.S. Ski & Snowboard Competition Services at They will be placed on a “Member Hold List”. Athletes medically cleared to resume participation must provide medical clearance. (A “Head Injury Evaluation” is available in the “Master Packet of Forms” a/k/a MPF.) If necessary, properly executed medical clearance maybe presented to and accepted by an on-site Jury. For athletes under the age of 18, the “Concussion Medical Evaluation Form” requesting return to training/competition must be signed by the respective athlete’s parent/legal guardian. NOTE: A foreign athlete with a suspected concussion may be removed from competition. Foreign athletes may not, however, be placed on the Member Hold List. (FIS & CAN-AM Events)
Jury members, Jury Advisors (Start and Finish Referee), Chief of Course and Course Setters must be current members of U.S. Ski & Snowboard as a Coach/Official or Official. They must have also attended a Continuing Education Clinic (Update) within the last 2 seasons. Jury members must be appropriately certified; Referee and Assistant Referee (speed events) must be certified Referees for all levels of competition: scored and non-scored Jury Advisors for all events – non-scored and scored events must either be a certified Jury Advisor, Referee or Chief of Race Coaches must be Coach members in order to participate in any capacity at any U.S. Ski & Snowboard event – non-scored or scored; this includes serving as an on-hill coach.
Except in specific instances where the event has been pre-approved, coaches must have current U.S. Ski & Snowboard Coach membership in order to participate in any capacity at any U.S. Ski & Snowboard- sanctioned event This requirement includes on-hill coaching OC may require that coaches present current membership cards!
Sources of Information Duties and Responsibilities of the Jury Advisor at the Start (Start Referee) Duties and Responsibilities of the Jury Advisor at the Finish (Finish Referee) Duties and Responsibilities of the Referee Event Scenarios Update & Review
Resources and References
FIS ICR Precisions Rules of FIS Points WC & COC rules FIS Equipment Rules Calendar & bylaws U.S. Ski & Snowboard Competition Guide & ACR U.S. Ski & Snowboard Equipment Rules Region/State Links Region/State Handbooks AO Manual
Reference Materials Glossary of Job Descriptions Forms
Study Guide and Update U.S. Ski & Snowboard Competition Regulations (ACR) & Precisions U.S. Ski & Snowboard Course Specifications U.S. Ski & Snowboard Code of Conduct FIS Competition Regulations (ICR) & Precisions Equipment Regulations
The Jury for a technical event is comprised of the following officials: Technical Delegate Referee Chief of Race The Jury for a speed event is comprised of: Assistant Referee
Appointment of the Jury The FIS Office appoints the Jury for World Championships and Olympic Winter Games [ICR ] Division/Region representatives appoint the Technical Delegate for other FIS and Non-FIS and FIS events [601.2, ]. Upon appointment, the TD becomes a member of Organizing Committee (OC) The Technical Delegate appoints the Referee* and Assistant Referee* (speed events). Upon their appointment, they become members of the Organizing Committee (OC) * These officials are the athletes’ representatives and should be appointed from among the coaches present for the event & with athletes in the field. Tenure of the Jury [ ] When does the Jury begin their duties? [ ] How long is the Jury active? [ , ] When does the Jury meet? Prior to the all Team Captains’ Meeting After course inspections After each run End of race or in case of race halt To rule on Protests when appropriate [ , 646.1]
DUTIES OF THE JURY Duties of the Jury are varied and basically cover 3 areas: Technical Standpoint [ ]:* Preparation for the actual event; e.g. course condition, checking course set, course inspection, debriefing Forerunners, etc. Organizational Standpoint [ ]: Ranking competitors, granting reruns, shortening course, termination of an event, etc. Disciplinary Standpoint [ ]: If necessary, excluding competitors, deciding on protests; imposing sanctions, etc. *Care should be taken to avoid situations that go beyond the inherent risks of the sport. Presence of timing equipment, terrain, weather, gate panels, gates, ability (or lack thereof) etc., are considered “inherent risks”; shovels, rakes, drills, tents, bamboo, poorly placed personnel are not.
What is a “Connection Coach”?
One or two are appointed depending on type and level of event Serve as liaison between all Team Captains and the Jury Serve as on-hill “Eyes of the Jury” May supervise yellow flag zones in DH and SG* Have voice but no vote in Jury matters/decision *Depending on terrain, Jury may also choose to appoint Connection Coach(es) for Giant Slalom events
EVENT COMMUNICATION Radios – with a reserved Jury channel – must be furnished for: Jury Members Jury Advisors Connection Coaches (Eyes of the Jury) Chief of Course (monitors Jury channel) The following officials need the capability to monitor the Jury channel Chief of Timing & Calculations Race Administrator Chief Gate Judge Ski Patrol
“START STOP!” ACR/ICR “Start Stop” is called via radio by Jury Member, Eyes of the Jury (a coach positioned at a yellow flag zone) or Jury Advisor when it is necessary to control the departure of the next racer – usually because the preceding racer has fallen and the racer or racer’s equipment is blocking the course. “Start Stop” commands are applicable at all levels of events. On command, Start Referee closes start Start Referee states, in concise manner via Jury radio: Confirmation “Start Stop” was heard/understood Bib # of last competitor started Bib # of competitor held at start Example: “START STOP confirmed, number 24 on course, number 25 at the start” Extra verbiage discouraged; Jury channel must be kept open!
In order to control the departure of the next racer and stop the competitor(s) already on course – again because the preceding racer has fallen and the course may be blocked, Jury Member calling “START STOP” is responsible for calling: “START STOP, YELLOW FLAG STOP!” On command, Start Referee immediately closes the start and states, in a concise manner via Jury radio: Confirmation “Start Stop” was heard/understood Bib # of last competitor started Bib # of competitor held at start
Ski Patrol assigned to the event and in radio contact with the Jury, is now on alert that medical assistance may be required. If Jury Member calls for medical assistance, Ski Patrol assigned to the event first verifies that the course is clear, i.e.: no racer is on course, Once Ski Patrol assigned to the event has verified that it has a clear course, it responds to the call for medical assistance. SKI PATROL ASSIGNED TO THE EVENT ARE THE FIRST RESPONDERS - NOT COACHES / TRAINERS / OFFICIALS / PARENTS / other ATHLETES!
REOPENING THE COURSE The individual (Jury member, eyes of the Jury or Jury Advisor) who called the “START STOP” or “START STOP, YELLOW FLAG STOP” is responsible for releasing the course hold. The course is reopened at the direction of the Jury: either from top to bottom, bottom to top or from the position where the incident requiring the “START STOP” occurred. The Technical Delegate is responsible for confirming that all Jury members, Jury Advisors, and Eyes of the Jury have reviewed and are aware of “start stop” and “start stop/yellow flag stop” procedures.
The following protocol is intended for review and use as a working document to be enhanced and revised in an effort to promote the clearest, most expedited communication for races. The TD should communicate with the Organizing Committee (OC) on who is “leading” calls, or if they want the TD to lead. It is important that the Technical Delegate confer with the Chief of Race and respect area-specific race crew radio protocol; e.g. “Copy”, “Acknowledged” or “Confirmed”. ANY Jury member, Eyes of the Jury or Jury Advisor MAY call a “Start, Stop” when necessary to address critical situations. No other official is authorized to call a “Start Stop”! Failure to comply may result in a “walk over”, effectively canceling the Start Referee’s ability to receive the transmission.
Radio Protocol Suggestions
Course Clear Example Note: “Course Clear” is often controlled by the Chief of Race or Start Referee. This depends on the officials’ level of experience. CR “CR to the eyes of the Jury, clear the hill from the from the bottom up.” FR “Finish Referee, clear” RF “Referee on coaches’ knoll, clear” TD - “TD, clear on Upper Peak” SR “Start Referee, clear” CR - “CR to Start and Timing, course is clear, send the first forerunner (or next racer on next interval if this was a long hold). Out” A long course hold generally requires a clear from the bottom up; a short one (gate/flag repair) may clear from the “start stop” position
Radio Protocol Suggestions
Start Stop NO YELLOW FLAG Example (slalom event) TD - “Start Stop” SR - “Copy, Start Stop confirmed, number 33 on course, number 34 at the start” TD - “ This is the TD, racer 33 is a DNF, equipment blocking the course” SR - “Copy” TD - “Course clear, Start Start. ( or resume Start) Clear to send #34, out” SR - “ Copy, Start Start, racer 34 in gate SR - “Racer 34 on course, Out” Note: It is not necessary to have the Start Referee announce each bib number in the gate unless the there is a change to the running order such as a re-run insertion.
Radio Protocol Suggestions
Start Stop YELLOW FLAG (GS or Speed Event) Start Stop, Yellow Flag Review “Who” May Call “Start Stop "or “Start Stop/Yellow Flag” Jury Member/Eyes Jury/Jury Advisor Yellow Flag location (s) Identify Yellow Flag location(s) and or # (s). If an incident occurs it is important to clearly state the incident position and Yellow flag (location, or #) to avoid “Yellow Flagging "of an athlete below the incident site of the “Start Stop”
Radio Protocol Suggestions
Start Stop YELLOW FLAG Example (GS or Speed Event) Includes Jury Member/Eyes Jury/Jury Advisor Jury Member Radio Communication Jury Member- “Start Stop, Start Stop, Yellow ( Identify Flag location, or the assigned Yellow Flag #)!! Start Referee - “Copy, Start is stopped. Racer 56 on course, holding 57. Yellow flag 56!” Eyes of Jury @ Yellow Flag location - “Yellow Flag out, 56 is stopped. Racer 56 will return to start for a rerun” If Medical is not required Jury Member - “Racer 55 is a DNF. Continue hold for B-net/ course repair” Start Referee - “ Copy, holding 57 at start for course repair.
Radio Protocol Suggestions
Start Stop YELLOW FLAG (cont.) Example (cont.) Jury Member Radio Communication If medical is required “Medical required at (location).” Start Referee - “Medical notified; in route to (location).” (After athlete is transported and repairs are complete) “Athlete being transported. Repair is complete. (location) is clear. Resume start.” Start Referee - “Confirm (location) is clear. Finish (or nearest exit location) please notify when medical exits the course.” Finish Referee (or nearest exit location) - “Medical is clear.”
Radio Protocol Suggestions
Start Stop YELLOW FLAG Example (cont.) Jury Member Radio Communication Start Referee - Confirm course is clear. Please clear from the finish up. Timing?” (Each Jury member/Eyes of the Jury/Jury Advisor clears their section moving up the hill). “Start is clear, resuming with racer 57 on next interval.”
Other Necessary and Planned Interruptions
Course Maintenance Most course maintenance issues do not require a start/stop. An exception is if a broken gate or other material pose an inherent safety risk to competitors on the course. Otherwise experienced race crew members can operate within the start interval. When it is necessary to have a hold for an extended period of time for course maintenance, the Chief of Course or another Jury member can inform the Start Referee to interrupt the race to complete the task. On fixed interval events it is common to indicate the requested amount of time in terms of number of intervals - “We will need a 4 interval hold for maintenance.”
Timing Hold: Timing hold information is passed along to the Jury and others by the Start Referee by radio to Jury positions along the course and voice communication to those in the start area. ANY Jury member or Jury Advisor may call a Start, Stop when necessary to address safety or critical situations. Start Interval: The designated start interval for “fixed interval” events GS/SG/DH is the time planned between racers. The start interval duration should be listed on the program for FIS races as it is critical for course workers and officials to know when it is clear to work or communicate between racers. Changes to the start interval MUST be communicated over the jury channel by the Start Referee or Timing. Finish Interval: A finish interval is a decision to start one racer after the completion of the run by the previous racer. The use of a finish interval, though not required, for the last few remaining athletes on the start list may help eliminate unnecessary delays by minimizing the interference of an athlete due to occurring issues on course prior to their start.
STOP START: Important Reminders
It is important to remember that “Stop Start” is called when necessary to address critical situations by: ANY Jury member ANY Eyes of the Jury (Connection Coach, Chief of Course) ANY Jury Advisor (Start Referee or Finish Referee No other official is authorized to call a “Start Stop”, and failure to comply may result in a “radio walk-over” effectively canceling the Start Referee’s ability to receive the transmission.
Jury Advisor at the Start
START REFEREE Jury Advisor at the Start
This form is used by both the Start & Finish Referees.
Because of the importance of being able to review an event in “real time”, this document must not be pre-numbered.
Start Referee: Jury Advisor at the Start
Job Duration ACR/ICR Reruns ACR/ICR 623 Reports to Referee & the Jury ACR/ICR , No advantage, No DSQ ACR/ICR Supplies reserve bibs ACR/ICR
A competitor will not be permitted to start (NPS) in any competition who Does not wear or carry an official start number* according to the rules [627] Wears obscene names and/or symbols on clothing and equipment Behaves in an unsportsmanlike manner in the competition area Does not wear a crash helmet that conforms to the Specifications for Competition Equipment [606.4], or Does not have ski brakes [606.3] or has metal baskets on their skis [1.3, Specifications for Alpine Competition Equipment], Is in violation of other equipment rules/requirements: e. g. no basket on poles “increases the risk to the user or other persons” ; many ski areas refuse lift access if a basket is missing [ , Specifications for Alpine Competition Equipment] An “official start number” refers to any bib issued by the local event organizer; this includes replacement bibs furnished by the Start Referee.
Due to rule(s) violation(s), an athlete is not permitted to start (NPS)…this could apply to either run of a 2-run event Athlete’s status is recorded by the Start Referee as “Not Permitted to Start” (NPS); reason must be stated Example: Note suggestion to insert “name” “NPS” must be noted on Report by the Referee as required Example: Applicable rule number must be noted for results Software includes designation for “NPS” Technical Delegate must verify accuracy of Official Results (DNS, NPS, DSQ) and Penalty posted on U.S. Ski & Snowboard/FIS websites
Rules of the Start ACR/ICR 611.2.1.1, 613
Delayed Start: Not present when called to start – sanction which could include DSQ! ACR/ICR Valid/False Start: In the Gate; DNS within 10-second window – disqualified ACR/ICR
WHY DISQUALIFICATION? In fixed interval events, course workers know they have a set timeframe between competitors If a competitor leaves the start early or late, this timeframe becomes compromised A compromised timeframe = creation of a situation that is not inherent to the risks of the sport!
START COMMANDS: Fixed Interval Events (GS, SG, DH): 10 seconds before the start, the starter will tell each competitor “10 Seconds” 5 seconds before the start, he should count “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” and then gives the start command “GO” Non-Fixed Interval Event (SL): As soon as the starter has received the order for the next start, he gives the competitor the warning “Ready” or “Racer Ready” A few seconds later, the starter gives the start command
START CLOCK & AUDIBLE START COMMANDS U613.4 has been added to the ACR. It clarifies the use of a start clock does not replace audible (spoken) start commands.
Jury Advisor at the Finish
FINISH REFEREE Jury Advisor at the Finish
Finish Referee: Jury Advisor at the Finish
Job duration ACR/ICR Knows rules of finish ACR/ICR 615 Supervises Finish Controller*, timing and crowd ACR/ICR Communicates with start ACR/ICR , Determines valid finishes ACR/ICR Ensures protection is on timing equipment ACR/ICR , Reports to Referee & Jury ACR/ICR *Finish Referee assumes the duties of the Finish Controller if one is not appointed.
VALID FINISHES ICR states that in case of a fall at the finish where competitor does not come to a full stop, the time maybe taken without both of the competitor’s feet having crossed the finish line for the registered time to become valid, the competitor must immediately cross the finish line with or without skis ICR states Finish line must be crossed: on both skis, or on one ski, or with both feet in case of a fall between the last gate and the finish line. In this case, the time is taken when any part of the competitor’s body stops the timekeeping system ACR U629.4 state that a binding release more than 2 gates above the Finish line in SL, GS or SG or more than 1 gate above the Finish line in DH shall be considered as a clear DSQ
LOSS OF ONE SKI: FIS Only (614.2.4)
If a competitor loses a ski without having committed a gate fault or without coming to a complete stop, he may continue, as long as he: - does not interfere with the run of the next competitor or, - has not been passed by the next competitor. Also see details in ICR Art , , 804.3,
Also applicable for Parallel Events
INTERDICTION TO CONTINUE ON COURSE: DOWNHILL, SUPER G, GIANT SLALOM, PARALLEL If a competitor misses a gate, he must no longer continue through further gates ACR/ICR If a competitor comes to a complete stop (e.g. after a fall), he must no longer continue through previous or further gates. ACR/ICR These rules are valid in all Non-FIS and FIS events with a fixed start interval (DH, SG, GS) Also applicable for Parallel Events
A competitor may hike to complete passage of a missed gate in Slalom: - as long as the competitor does not interfere with the run of the next competitor or - has not been passed. A competitor who has been passed may not continue on course!
Duties and Responsibilities
of the Referee
Referee’s Job Description ACR/ICR 601.4.10
Draws start numbers Receives start and finish reports Reviews GJ cards for Faults and other notes, e.g. interference Signs and posts the Report by the Referee Attends Jury meetings: votes and verifies the vote with his/her signature!
SKI AREA USA #### Report by the Referee This form must be completed for each classification gender for each run Posted on Scoreboard/ Official Notice Board with date and time of posting as well as expiration time Bib # as well as named athlete must be reviewed by Team Captains regardless of whether or not they feel one of their competitors may have committed a fault (DSQ) Protest period is 15 minutes! Gate # & reason or gate # & rule# are noted. Some DSQ’s require a rule #; e.g. start DSQ’s (pushed off from start) and (false start) This is the new Report by the Referee form. Older form does not have a separate section for “NPS”. YOUR EVENT DATE DATE LEVEL MEN GS - 2 5 McBride, Brett USA J. WILSON STRADDLE 9 Johnson, Walter USA No Helmet Sticker SIGNATURE 101 15: : S/REFEREE
SCORED EVENT: 2nd-Run Tracking of 1st-Run DNF, DSQ Athletes
The U.S. Ski & Snowboard Technical Delegate Report requires documentation of these calculations, and for events where 1st- run DNF, DSQ athletes are allowed to start in the 2nd run, this can create a unique challenge. The Chief of Timing & Calculations and the Race Administrator account for all competitors. Some Technical Delegates may instruct the Chief of Timing & Calculations to stop recording after all valid 2nd-run starters have completed their run. This method will result in an incomplete record of the event, so the following is suggested as an alternative procedure: 1. Start Referee notifies Timing when last valid 2nd-run starter has left the start 2. Chief of Timing & Calculations or assistant makes appropriate notations in the DNS and DNF sections of the Report by the Referee
SCORED EVENT: 2nd-Run Tracking of 1st-Run DNF, DSQ Athletes
The following is suggested method. Chief of Timing or assistant may use recording method of their choice; e.g.: End 2nd Run, Run 1 Racers, etc. Report by the Referee will now concisely reflect how many actual 2nd-Run DNS and DNF competitors are to be considered in calculation of “Finishers/Total Ranked” on Result.
Referee: A Member of the Jury
Tenure of the Jury Radios for all ACR/ICR ACR/ICR Technical Duties Jury Minutes ACR/ICR ACR/ICR , Organizational Duties Course Inspection ACR/ICR ACR/ICR Disciplinary Duties ACR/ICR
WHAT IS DUE PROCESS? Due Process is "the conduct of formal proceedings according to established rules and principles for the protection and enforcement of private rights, including notice and the right to a fair hearing before a tribunal with the power to decide the case." The Jury shall provide the athlete a full and complete opportunity to hear evidence being considered and to present his or her side of the case before imposing any sanctions. ACR/ICR: & 646.2
Equipment Rules U.S. Ski & Snowboard/FIS Additional rules
Ski Stand Height Ski Boot Height Ski Radius Ski Profile Width: front of & under binding Ski Length Helmets – required for U.S. Ski & Snowboard and FIS DH, SG, GS, SL & P Competitors and Forerunners Protective Armor – Forearms, Shins & Knees, Back Protectors
Equipment is the responsibility of the athlete and in the case of a minor, their parents or guardians. Equipment must be maintained and utilized in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Protests against equipment at a U.S. Ski & Snowboard non- FIS event must be handled in accordance with current U.S. Ski & Snowboard Equipment Control/Protest Guidelines. Protests against equipment at a FIS event must be handled in accordance with current FIS rules. Equipment violations are subject to disqualification and other sanctions as determined by the Jury. Sanction may be against the individual competitor, or the competitor’s coach if it is determined that he/she is complicit in the use of equipment known to be in violation of the rules.
EQUIPMENT CONTROL: U.S. Ski & Snowboard non-FIS Events
Skis must be marked by the manufacture with both the length and the radius. Unmarked skis will be grounds for disqualification. U.S. Ski & Snowboard scored alpine events, competition equipment will be subject to unannounced control. U.S. Ski & Snowboard non-scored technical events (GS and SL), equipment control will be dealt with only on a protest basis. However, the Jury cannot ignore obvious infractions. In the case of all speed events (SG and DH, scored and non-scored) where the Jury has allowed control of equipment at the start for compliance, the athlete will not be allowed to start if their equipment does not meet the current marked specifications. Unless clear violation of equipment rules exists, e.g. no helmet, attached helmet camera, missing or broken ski brakes, etc., the Start Referee must not refuse an athlete’s right to start. An athlete in a U.S. Ski & Snowboard non-FIS event is also allowed to personalize their helmet with the application of bling, stickers, helmet camera mount, etc. The Start and Finish Referees’ responsibility to monitor equipment and communicate to the Jury is critical in this process and should be reviewed by the TD at each event. TD instructions to these individuals must be clear. It is essential that the Start and Finish Referee communicate with and report their findings to the competition Jury.
EQUIPMENT PROTESTS: The athlete must compete or intend to compete on the suspect equipment. The Coach or Team Captain who observes the equipment that is suspect must alert the Start Referee of his imminent intention to protest the equipment being used by that competitor. The Coach or Team Captain must formalize the protest, at the end of the run, with the written protest and the $100 (one hundred USD) protest fee. If the athlete has started, the Start Referee alerts the Finish Referee and the Jury, that there is a pending protest against equipment. The equipment must be evaluated or confiscated for evaluation when the competitor arrives in the finish. Finish Referee should stop the competitor with suspect equipment and confiscate the suspect equipment pending the filing of the formal protest and Jury review. Confiscation should be witnessed and third-party access to the confiscated equipment must be avoided. Equipment protests cannot be considered or accepted if the suspect equipment has left the finish area.
If approved testing devices are available, or compliance may be confirmed through checking the manufacturer’s marks, the Jury will then evaluate the equipment and render a decision regarding the equipment. The decision of the Jury shall be final. If approved testing devices are not available, or the Jury is unable to reach a consensus, the Jury must seal and ship the equipment to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard National Office for evaluation. U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s decision shall be final. The Jury will use the $100 (one hundred USD) protest fee to cover the initial shipping costs. The losing party will be charged by U.S. Ski & Snowboard for all expenses related to shipping and testing. Reimbursement must be submitted within 10 (ten) working days of notice of U.S. Ski & Snowboard’s decision. Acceptable equipment control devices for U.S. Ski & Snowboard non-FIS event alpine equipment evaluation include: Reliable Racing stand height calipers FIS-approved equipment-testing devices
FIS event on-site equipment control may only be conducted by a FIS measurement expert using official FIS measuring tools Skis must be clearly marked with both the length and the radius. Unmarked skis will be grounds for disqualification In the case of a speed event (SG & DH) where the jury has allowed inspection of equipment at the start for compliance, the athlete will not be allowed to start if their equipment does not meet the current marked specifications Unless clear violation of equipment rules exists, e.g. no helmet, attached helmet camera or helmet camera mount, missing or broken ski brakes, GS skis in a SG, etc., the Start Referee must not refuse an athlete’s right to start
If protest is involved, Team Captain must notify Start Referee of intention to file a protest Start Referee notifies Jury and Finish Referee of protest or, if no protest is filed, of suspect equipment Protesting Team Captain must file written protest and pay applicable protest fee prior to Jury meeting Finish Referee confiscates equipment before it leaves finish area Third-party access to protested/suspect equipment must be avoided Equipment must be confiscated in front of witnesses and must be shipped (sealed) to FIS Losing party pays all costs
With exception of forearm protection used in SG, GS and SL and shin protection used in SL, body protection must be worn under the suit This includes knee braces If a knee brace is worn over the suit, it must be covered with fabric, e.g. a piece of an old suit
HELMETS ALL EVENTS: U14+ athletes must use helmets that meet FIS standards for all U.S. Ski & Snowboard GS, SG and DH competitions. Competitors whose helmets are not in compliance will not be allowed to start in these events. Soft ear protection only allowed in Slalom and Parallel Helmets with spoilers or edges that protrude are not allowed (does not apply to Slalom headgear) U.S. Ski & Snowboard & FIS do not allow use of helmet-mounted cameras* Non-FIS: Athletes with personalized helmets; e.g. bling, stickers, camera mounts, etc., are allowed to start. FIS: NO CAMERAS / NO CAMERA MOUNTS
ACR/ICR In cases of necessary changes on the course, such as small relocation of gates: An additional inspection or training run is not necessary. Details must be communicated to all Team Captains and competitors must be informed by the Referee at the start. (Start Referee).
Referee: During the Race
In non-scored events, other rules for determining start order may apply. U e.g. TRS, Turtin, etc. Generally competitors who do not start (DNS), do not finish (DNF) or who are disqualified (DSQ) in their first run should be allowed to take their second run at the end of the field. In non-scored events where each run counts individually, these competitors generally start the second run in their original start position. In scored non-FIS events, competitors who do not finish (DNF) or who are disqualified (DSQ) in their first run should be allowed to take their second run at the end of the field with their original bib and in their original bib order. U In FIS events, competitors who are disqualified (DSQ), did not start (DNS), or did not finish (DNF) their first run are prohibited from taking a second run ** **Exception: In Alpine Combined (AC), when technical event (SL) precedes the speed event (DH or SG), rule does not apply.
Event Scenarios
Event Scenarios: Part I
Four hairpins but not a flush in sight. ACR/ICR Seed points of top 8 significantly lower than rest of the field. What can the Jury do? ACR/ICR Jury can’t find an applicable rule. What should the jury do? ACR/ICR What is wrong here? What do you do? What if they don’t want a computer draw? What do you do? A coach reports that ski stack height is too high. What can the Jury do? ACR/ICR , 644
Event Scenarios: Part II – FLIP 30 is Standard
Pl Bib 1 3 2 4 3 15 4 10 5 11 6 1 7 2 8 17 9 5 10 6 11 9 12 7 13 8 14 30 15T 25 15T19 St Bib 1 19 2 25 30 8 7 9 6 5 17 2 1 11 10 15 4 3 Flip 15 instead of 30 ACR/ICR Tie at flip position. What do we do? ACR/ICR
By the Numbers: How is this done?
Rank all first-run competitors in time order fastest to slowest) Remove DSQ competitors from the field unless being given a provisional second run Break all ties, regardless of where they occur, by ranking the tied competitor(s) with the higher bib number(s) before the tied competitor(s) with the lower bib number(s) Verify the number of competitors that are to be reversed (bibbo) Check for a tie at the reversal position If a tie has occurred at the reversal position – 30 or 15, include those ties in the reversal number. Reverse correct number of competitors including ties, if applicable This will result in the lower bib number starting first and the racer with the fastest first run time starting 31/16 (with a 3-way tie at the reversal position, the racer with the fastest first run time would start 32/17, etc. When ties occur elsewhere in the field other than in reversed group, tied racer(s) with higher bib number(s) will start prior to tied racer(s) with lower bib number(s).
Event Scenarios: Part III
A member of the Jury is advised several athletes are allegedly engaging in illegal activities in the ski area parking lot. What options are available to the Jury? What if the activities are taking place in the OC-assigned training/warm-up area? What if the activities are taking place in the official headquarters? Does due process need to be considered? Racer misses start — No gain, no foul is the approach the referee, start referee and jury should take. Start Ref should allow provisional and report the infraction to the jury. Should the racer immediately be DSQ’d? No for above reason. Can the racer be DSQ’d? What if there is a dramatic change in the weather from bad to good between the time the competitor was supposed to start and showed up to start? There is an advantage there and the jury should deal with it.
Event Scenarios: Part IV
‘START STOP!’ is called. What is happening now? ACR/ICR Three electronic timers but no hand timing. What do you do? ACR/ICR Required vertical drop can’t be met. Will race score? ACR - U ; U801.1; U ; U & U.S. Ski & Snowboard Application Vertical Drop, Minimum Time and Minimum Penalties ICR - If exception not granted by FIS, vertical drop requirements must be met or race will be reviewed and scored as ENL category not FIS category!
Event Scenarios: Part V
A racer commits a gate fault His racing speed carries him over Finish Line The racer hikes back over the line and completes passage of the missed gate WHEN WAS HIS TIME TAKEN? ACR/ ICR WHAT IS HIS STATUS IN SLALOM? IN GIANT SLALOM? ACR/ICR , U629.4
Event Scenarios: Part VI
During the competition, the wind increases and the panels are blowing up the hill. What are the appropriate methods for dealing with this problem?
Event Scenarios: Part VII There is an offset in bib #’s and start #’s:
Event Scenarios: Part VII There is an offset in bib #’s and start #’s: Bib #109 actually starts # Gate Judge Card lists a fault for Bib # What must the Referee verify?
Event Scenarios: Part VIII
A course worker steps out in front of a racer. What must the racer do? Stop immediately Report interference to nearest Gate Judge or Jury member Racer or coach must request a rerun Ski down the side of the course to the Finish Only a Jury member may grant a provisional rerun Rerun is “provisional” until ratified by the Jury. NOTE: If actual interference is witnessed by a Jury member or Jury Advisor, a rerun – not a provisional – should be allowed.
Event Scenarios: Part IX
The Start Referee believes an athlete is competing on equipment – skis/boots/bindings that do not conform to the rules. Can the on-site Jury verify the validity of the equipment? A Team Captain files a protest against a competitor’s equipment. How must the Jury handle this situation? What must be done with the suspect equipment? Who covers the costs? Can this process be undertaken after the competitor equipment leaves the race arena? Answers are not provided in the hopes that group discussion will result in a better understanding of how to handle this type of situation!
Event Scenarios: Part X
A competitor arrives at the start with a camera attached to his helmet. What must the Start Referee do? What must the Start Referee do if the camera is attached to the skis? What must the Start Referee do If the camera is worn on a chest pack? What must the Start Referee do if a helmet only has camera mounts? What is the athlete’s status if a goggle-integrated camera is being used? Answers are not provided in the hopes that group discussion will result in a better understanding of how to handle this type of situation!
Event Scenarios: Part XI
A Downhill is scheduled to include 3 training runs. 4 low-point athletes do not start the first training run Due to force majeure, all additional training runs are canceled What is status of these competitors? What Jury option is available?
Event Scenarios: Part XII
Competitors’ family members and spectators arrive with the intent of using drones to record and broadcast their athlete’s race. What do the rules state regarding use of drones? What Jury option is available?
Event Scenarios: Part XIII
A Giant Slalom competitor leaves the start just as the Starter calls: “5 seconds” What Jury option is available? Why is adherence to competitor start intervals critical? A competitor is called but is either not present or is not ready to step into the start gate. What Jury options are available? The first scenario is violation of the early/late start rule and the second scenario is violation of the delayed start rule. Discuss and understand the differences between the two.
Event Scenarios: Part XIV
A U.S. Ski & Snowboard-scored Championship Slalom is complete, all required documents have been submitted and the event has been scored. The morning after the event, U.S. Ski & Snowboard is contacted because one of the podium finishers, while reviewing the race video with his parents, noticed he had straddled a gate. What option(s) are available? To what level may the event Jury become involved?
UPDATE & REVIEW This is only a partial review, additional items are contained in: “UPDATE & REVIEW FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION – ALPINE”
Update & Review: Page 1 SAFESPORT TRAINING: U.S. Federal Law requires adults who have frequent contact with, or who are in positions of authority over athletes, must receive consistent education on prevention and reporting of all allegations of sexual misconduct, bullying, hazing and abuse of all forms. This impacts all U.S. Ski & Snowboard member clubs, coaches, officials and Club Volunteer members. The initial training is required every two years with a refresher course in between. If you have completed SafeSport training within the past season (17-18) with another organization, you may submit your certificates to Member Services by to U.S. Ski & Snowboard membership is required prior to initiating SafeSport training. After membership application/renewal is completed, you will receive notification containing instructions and a time limit for completion of training. Failure to complete training prior to deadline will result in membership being inactivated. Basic instructions for SafeSport training are: Follow link above your “MY ACCOUNT” page or go to and create an account Affiliate account with U.S. Ski & Snowboard and enter your 7-digit membership number Choose the learning dashboard under your name (on left) and begin the course Complete each module of the course; all three modules must be completed to earn certificates Due to length of course, you may choose to complete one module at a time. You may log in and out at your convenience.
Update & Review: Page 2 MEMBERSHIP CHANGES:
Non-scored Student membership is available for students aged prior to Dec. 31 of the competition season. It is primarily for interscholastic and intercollegiate racing but provides access to all levels of U.S. Ski & Snowboard scored and non-scored competitions at the local, divisional, regional and national level. It does not include access to the U.S. Ski & Snowboard National Points List. Non-scored Students may race in Alpine Masters races. Due to background screening and the added requirement for SafeSport training requirements, Coaches and Officials must be 18 years of age prior to December 31 of the current competition season in order to apply for applicable U.S. Ski & Snowboard memberships. Background screening will now be conducted every two (2) seasons. Youth Coaches aged may be granted venue access. They must have either a General or Competitor membership, must serve under the supervision of current member Coaches or Officials, the supervising member Coach or Official must request/sign for the venue access, the Youth Coach may not serve as a Jury member, Jury Advisor or Course Setter
Update & Review: Page 3 PARALLEL SL: Parallel SL racing has been approved by U.S. Ski & Snowboard and course setting and timing protocols for standard and drop- down start formats have been established. Non-Scored Parallel Events - Rules for non-scored Parallel SL have been approved, will be in effect immediately and will be published in the Precisions to the current ACR. Scored Parallel Events - Season will be the start of a 2-year implementation for scored Parallel SL. Season events will be seeded by current National Slalom Points and will follow current rules and specifications for Slalom; e.g. course setting, vertical drop/minimum time standards; F-value (factor). Scored Parallel SL Events – Season : Seeding will be done by Parallel National Points and results will score to that list. The events will follow the published requirements for Parallel SL. In case of issues not covered in Art – 1232, the rules for Slalom (Art. 800) will apply. The currently published Parallel SL F-value (factor) may be adjusted. NOTE: FIS Office is reviewing rules for FIS Parallel events. Refer to current FIS publications related current FIS rules and procedures for FIS Parallel Events.
Update & Review: Page 4 FACTORS (F-VALUES) –
NATIONAL & FIS PENALTY CALCULATION Factors have been reviewed and posted for use as follows: DH – SL – GS – SG – AC – P – 870 Points lists – national & fis Both U.s. Ski & Snowboard and FIS Points Lists will be published every two weeks. Lists will close on Sundays and new lists will go into effect on Thursdays. Results not received prior to closing dates will not be considered until the next cycle. NOTE: FIS Base Points must not be used either for seeding or FIS Penalty Calculation.
Update & Review: Page 5 TIMING EQUIPMENT
U.S. Ski & Snowboard COURSE SETTING SPECIFICATIONS (SCORED AND NON-SCORED) The U.S. Ski & Snowboard Course Setting Specifications for scored and non-scored non-FIS events are available at Please note, for non-FIS events, the number of gates/direction changes is based on distance between gates, not percentage of vertical drop. Update & Review: Page 5 TIMING EQUIPMENT Synchronization of timing systems must occur as close as possible to the scheduled start for the first run Synchronization of all systems must be maintained and systems must not be re-synchronized for the second run. START CLOCKS & AUDIBLE START COMMANDS U613.4 has been added to the ACR in order to clarify the use of a start clock does not replace audible (spoken) start commands.
Guidelines have been amended to include the recommendation that an official attend a yearly Continuing Education Clinic (Update). The requirement for biennial attendance in order to retain certifications(s) remains unchanged.
The U.S. Ski & Snowboard Course Setting Specifications for scored and non-scored non-FIS events are available at Please note, for non-FIS events, the number of gates/direction changes is based on distance between gates, not percentage of vertical drop. Update & Review: Page 7 U.S. Ski & Snowboard COURSE SETTING SPECIFICATIONS (SCORED AND NON-SCORED) The U.S. Ski & Snowboard Course Setting Specifications for scored and non-scored non-FIS events are available at Please note, for non-FIS events, the number of gates/direction changes is based on distance between gates, not percentage of vertical drop
Update & Review: Page 8 Competition Equipment: Equipment is the responsibility of the athlete and in the case of a minor, their parents or guardians. Equipment must be maintained and utilized in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions Protests against equipment at a U.S. Ski & Snowboard non- FIS event must be handled in accordance with current “Guidelines Regarding Equipment Control” and Protests against equipment at a FIS event must be handled in accordance with current FIS rules Please refer to current FIS and U.S. Ski & Snowboard Equipment Regulations for season and/or the current edition of FIS Specifications for Alpine Competition Equipment
Update & Review: Page 9 Race Arena & the Jury
The Jury is responsible for the “race arena” which is accepted as being within (the side-to-side fencing) and without (start area and finish arena) the confines of the competition area and any location connected with the competition (training area). [ ] Prior to the event, the Chief of Race should establish contact with ski area management and Ski Patrol and clarify those areas for which the Jury will assume responsibility.
Update & Review: Page 10 CALCULATION OF AN ELECTRONIC REPLACEMENT TIME (EET) In the case of a failure of the main electronic timing system (system A), the results of the electronic back-up system (system B) will be valid as per art [ ] In the case that time of day from either system A or system B are not available for a competitor, the calculated time of day as per art will be considered valid. Utilization of times taken by hand: Hand times may be used in the official results after a correction has been calculated. [ ] Calculation of the correction: Subtract the electronic time from the time taken by hand for the 10 competitors starting before the missing time. If there are not 10 times before, complete the calculation with the remaining times after the missed time. The sum of the 10 time differences is divided by 10 and rounded up or down ( > 0.04, > 0.05) to give the correction which must be applied to the hand time of the competitor without an electronic time.
Update & Review: Page 11 Events Where Point Improvements Exceed Expectations: The goal of the U.S. Ski & Snowboard scoring system is to ensure fair and accurate events so earned results represent an athlete’s ability. An accurate scoring system is critical for athlete ranking, evaluation and selection purposes. Research has culminated in criteria to identify events where athletes score point improvements far beyond expectations. Every scored event will be subject to these filters and events that exceed the threshold of the criteria - a statistical probability of will be marked for review. The criteria are: Average improvement between seed points and points achieved in the race Average percent of point improvement Percent of the field that scored a point improvement The cause of an exceptional event could range from random situational circumstances to penalty manipulation. If the Technical Delegate feels that an event may exceed the criteria, they should contact the appropriate Regional Alpine Manager for guidance.
Update & Review: Page 12 Only National Ski Associations are entitled to make entries for international competitions. If a National Ski Association issues an entry authorization (travel) letter, U.S. Ski & Snowboard allows non-U.S. Ski & Snowboard athletes training with U.S. Ski & Snowboard clubs or attending USA schools/colleges/universities to be entered by their coaches. Every non-USA athlete’s authorization letter must be submitted to it must also be sent to the Regional Manager for the Region where the athlete is training. Letters must be submitted directly by the respective National Ski Association; they will not be accepted if forwarded by the coach or the athlete. Authorization letters will only be recognized for FIS category and below. Entries for Nor-Am Cup and National Championships must be submitted directly by the respective National Ski Associations. Several nations, e.g. Austria, Canada, Great Britain and Spain, do not issue authorization (travel) letters; entries for competitors from these nations must originate from respective Federation.
If due to a suspected concussion, an athlete has been placed on the Member Hold List posted on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website, the athlete must be cleared by a licensed health care provider prior to being allowed to return to training/competition. The care provider must be trained in the evaluation and management of a concussion and must have successfully completed a continuing education course in the evaluation and management of a concussion within three years prior to evaluating the athlete. The care provider must complete the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Concussion Medical Evaluation, found in the Master Packet of Forms (MPF) and submit it to Signature from parents/guardians of athletes under 18 years of age is required. Clearance can take up to 48 hours, so an on-site Jury can accept a properly executed Concussion Medical Evaluation and clear an athlete to return to training/competition. Coaches need to work with an injured athlete’s parents/guardians to confirm clearance process has been completed; they must cooperate with the OC in verifying athletes on the Member Hold List do not appear on a Start List. NOTE: A Jury may remove a foreign athlete with a suspected concussion from competition; however, foreign athletes may not be placed on the Member Hold List. (FIS & CAN-AM Events)
Update & Review: Page 14 Not Permitted to Start (NPS)
Due to rule(s) violation(s) and can apply to either run of a 2-run event Athlete’s status is recorded by the Start Referee as “Not Permitted to Start” (NPS); reason must be stated Example: Note suggestion to insert “name” “NPS” should be noted in Report by the Referee as required Example: Applicable rule number is not required for results; a reason is only for informational purposes
Update & Review: Page 15 Due Process: Prior to the imposition of a penalty (except in cases of verbal reprimands and withdrawal of accreditation), the person accused of an offense shall be given the opportunity to present a defense at a hearing, verbally or in writing. Defense can include, but is not limited to the following: Calling witnesses Questioning witnesses upon whose testimony the Jury relies Considering information from a witness who is unavailable for questioning by the accused would create a serious issue. It is also unwise for Jury members to discuss a situation and consider possible penalties prior to hearing all testimony. The Jury must adhere to this policy: Consider infraction Hear and consider all testimony and evidence Allow accused person the opportunity to present a defense and review all evidence (question witnesses, etc.) Deliberate Make a fair decision Review, vote and sign prepared Jury Minutes of decision Notify affected parties
Update & Review: Page 16 Protest and Sanction Fees – fis events only
Protest fees for a protest that is upheld are returned to the protesting party. Protest fees for protests that are not upheld are to be submitted to U.S. Ski & Snowboard Competition Services and must be identified by event, date, codex and name of applicable protest/sanction.; Requirement also applies to monetary sanctions that are collected on site. Tendered amount(s) will be forwarded to the FIS Office. [644.4]
ICR – Section 200 contains general rules that apply to all disciplines. In the Alpine discipline, a time penalty may only be assessed in a Parallel event, as follows: The competitor who is disqualified in, or who does not finish the first run of a heat will start the second run with a penalty time. Penalty Time: The maximum penalty time will be 0.50 sec. In all cases the maximum time difference for the first run of each pairing can never be higher than the penalty time.
Update & Review: Page 18 HELMETS AND CAMERAS - U.S. Ski & Snowboard EVENTS All competitors and forerunners must wear a helmet for Giant Slalom, Slalom, Downhill and Downhill Training, Super G and Alpine Combined that meets current equipment specifications. [606.4, 707, 807, 907, 1007, and additional U.S. Ski & Snowboard and FIS regulations.] Athletes U14 and older must use helmets that meet the FIS standards for all U.S. Ski & Snowboard Giant Slalom, Super G, and Downhill events. U14 and older competitors whose helmets are not in compliance will not be permitted to start. Regulations for helmets for Slalom, Giant Slalom, Super G, Downhill and Parallel are applicable without exception at all levels of FIS competition [3.6.1] Soft ear protection is only permitted for helmets used in Slalom and Parallel. [807] HELMET AND BODY MOUNTED CAMERAS Helmet and body-mounted cameras are not approved for use at U.S. Ski & Snowboard non-FIS events. Athletes who have personalized their helmets, e.g. camera mounts, bling, stickers, etc., are allowed to start. Competitors and forerunners at FIS alpine events are prohibited from using cameras; camera mounts are also prohibited. This prohibition does not apply to properly credentialed FIS media, e.g. POV runners.
Update & Review: Page 19 RERUNS: When making a determination on the validity of a provisional rerun, the Jury must evaluate the following: Did the competitor cross the finish line? Did competitor stop immediately after the obstruction or interference occurred and report the incident to the nearest Gate Judge or Jury member? Does the claimed obstruction/interference meet the requirements of (Technical Failure), (Yellow Flag) or (Grounds for Interference)? Did a “similar incident” occur that caused significant loss of speed or lengthening of the racing line and consequently affect the competitor’s time? [ ] Did the competitor commit a fault (gate fault or start procedure fault) prior to the obstruction or interference? [ , 628.7] Only the Jury may authorize a provisional start or validate a provisional run. A provisional or definitively approved rerun remains valid even if it proves slower than the obstructed run. For provisional reruns required by broken gates, every case must be checked individually; the Jury on site is the only group that can decide, based on the particular and detailed circumstances, if interference occurred. If actual interference is witnessed by a Jury member, Jury Advisor or a Connection Coach, and upon request from the competitor or their coach, a rerun – not a provisional – should be authorized.
Any use of aerial drones must comply with Federal, State and Local laws as well as ski area regulations If a drone operator can show compliance with these regulations, at the direction of the Jury, a drone may be used as a point of view camera (POV) prior to forerunners Drones may not be used during the conduct of the competition If a drone breaches the boundaries of the course, the competition should be halted until the drone withdraws
Update & Review: Page 21 GATE PANELS
All U.S. Ski & Snowboard Giant Slalom, Super G, Downhill and Parallel (including Masters) competitions must use gate panels that conform to the current FIS specifications. They should be installed according to manufacturer’s specifications. A list of homologated panels is published on the FIS website. Articles and remain valid.
Update & Review: Page 22 Course Setting for Multiple Age Class Competitions: For multiple age class competitions, course setting guidelines for Super G, Giant Slalom and Slalom events are based on one class older than the youngest age class competing, e.g., U16, U14, U12 and U10 will follow U12 guidelines. Downhill event course setting is based on the youngest age class competing. U8, although recognized by U.S. Ski & Snowboard, as well as additional classes for younger competitors are established only for the purpose of awards and are subject to U10 course setting guidelines.
Official training for U12 and U14 Super G is an integral part of the competition Schedule must include at least one training run without posted times prior to the first competition All athletes are required to participate. If competition includes U16 athletes, U applies. For U16 Super G, An official training run is recommended and, If scheduled, all entrants are required to participate according to the decisions of the Jury. [U ] In exceptional cases, which must be documented in Jury Minutes, a controlled free-ski run may be authorized in lieu of an official training run.
Update & Review: Page 24 START STOP
When necessary to address critical situations, a “Start Stop” may be called by: ANY Jury member ANY Eyes of the Jury (Connection Coach, Chief of Course) ANY Jury Advisor (Start Referee or Finish Referee No other official is authorized to call a “Start Stop”. Failure to comply may result in a “radio walk-over” and cancel the Start Referee’s ability to receive the transmission.
Update & Review: Page 25 Kombi Rules:
Youth Kombi events must be set using appropriately homologated hills. Slalom/Giant Slalom format (technical orientation) using a hill homologated for Giant Slalom and Giant Slalom/Super G format (speed orientation) using a hill homologated for Super G. Soft ear helmets are not allowed.
Event-related documents are “LEGAL DOCUMENTS” and should be prepared and respected as such. Details relating to accidents and/or injuries should not be discussed via text, or social media.
WEBSITE RESOURCES U.S. Ski & Snowboard EQUIPMENT MATRIX is available on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website: U.S. Ski & Snowboard COURSE SETTING MATRIX is available on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website. HOMOLOGATION FILES are available on the U.S. Ski & Snowboard website. (Login required.) User ID = homologation; Password = Allout2018! FIS resources are available at or through links on U.S. Ski & Snowboard website.
Welcome to U.S. Ski & Snowboard Alpine Officials’ Jury Advisor & Referee Certification
Thank you for your efforts to help U.S. Ski & Snowboard Alpine Officials provide events that are fun and fair for all competitors!
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