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Study and Communication Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Study and Communication Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study and Communication Skills
Internet Search Engines

2 Study and Communication Skills
Search engines The history of search engines How they developed How they work The future of search engines

3 Study and Communication Skills
The first search engine Archie Once a month Unorganised lists 1992

4 Study and Communication Skills
Organised content JumpStation 25,000 pages The University of Stirling

5 Study and Communication Skills
Old and new search engines Lycos, AltaVista, AskJeeves, Excite Google, Bing, Yahoo!, Baidu Yandex, Naver

6 Study and Communication Skills
How Google works Page Rank Links on other pages Key words Useful and reliable pages

7 Study and Communication Skills
Advertising Top results Sidebar Useful and relevant ads

8 Study and Communication Skills
Disadvantages The Google Effect Money wasted on SEO Constantly updated algorithms

9 Study and Communication Skills
The future of search engines Personalised results Smart search Large revenues


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