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Presentation on theme: "Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter

2 Questions to think about…
What are the states of matter? How do we measure mass and volume? What is matter?

3 What is matter? Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
How can I tell if something is matter?

4 The concrete brick has more mass!
All objects have mass. A balance can be used to compare the masses of two objects. The object with the bigger mass will tilt the lever downwards. The concrete brick has more mass! concrete brick plastic block

5 Space All objects take up space.
The amount of space taken up by an object is its volume. Concrete brick Plastic block

6 What are the states of matter?
There are three states of matter. liquid solid They are solid, liquid and gas. gas

7 What are the states of matter?
Water can exist in three states. Solid state (ice) Liquid state (water) Gaseous state (water vapour) water vapour (in the air) ice water

8 Solid What are the characteristics of the solid state of matter?
The shape of the pebble remains the same even when the shape of the container is different. Thus, the solid state of matter has a definite shape. What can you tell about the shape of the pebble in each container?

9 The volume of the pebble stays the same even when it is being pressed.
Solid The volume of the pebble stays the same even when it is being pressed. What can you tell about the volume of the pebble as it is being pressed? Thus, the solid state of matter has a definite volume. This also means that a solid cannot be compressed.

10 Thus, the liquid state of matter has no definite shape.
What are the characteristics of the liquid state of matter? The coloured water takes on the shape of its container. It does not have a shape of its own. What do you observe about the shape of the coloured water in each container? Thus, the liquid state of matter has no definite shape.

11 Liquid The volume of juice does not change even if the container is changed. This shows that the liquid state of matter has a definite volume. The volume of the juice is still at 200 ml. There is 200 ml of juice in the measuring cup. Juice is poured from one measuring cup into another.

12 This shows that a liquid cannot be compressed.
plunger syringe coloured water Some coloured water is drawn into a syringe. The nozzle of the syringe is placed against the palm and the plunger pushed in. However, the plunger cannot be pushed in. The volume of coloured water in the syringe stays the same. This shows that a liquid cannot be compressed.

13 Gas What are the characteristics of the gaseous state of matter?
The air takes on the shape of its container. Air does not have a shape of its own. Thus, the gaseous state of matter has no definite shape. What do you notice about the shape of the air in these balloons? These balloons are filled with equal amounts of air.

14 Gas 5 ml 2 ml Air does not have a fixed volume. Air fills up the space in its container, and takes on the volume of its containers. Pressing on a gas can reduce its volume. This shows that a gas can be compressed. 5 ml of air is drawn into a syringe. The nozzle of the syringe is placed against the palm and the plunger of the syringe is pushed in. This shows that a gas does not have a definite volume. What do you observe about the volume of air in the syringe? Also, the volume of air in the syringe becomes smaller when the plunger is pushed in.

15 How can you measure the mass of this toy bear?
Measuring mass A balance is used to measure mass. Mass is measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg). How can you measure the mass of this toy bear?

16 Measuring mass To measure the mass of the toy bear:
Place the toy bear on one pan of a balance. Place fixed masses on the other pan to balance the toy bear. Since the lever is balanced, the mass of the toy bear is equal to 100 g. 100 g

17 Measuring mass A solid has a definite shape.
It can be placed directly on the pan of an electronic balance. The mass of the object is shown in grams (g) or kilograms (kg).

18 Measuring mass A liquid does not have a definite shape.
A liquid needs to be poured into a container before being weighed.

19 Measuring mass Step 1: Find out the mass of the empty container.
Find out the total mass of the container and the liquid. Step 3: Mass of liquid = Total mass – Mass of container = 300 g – 100 g = 200 g The mass of the liquid is 200 g.

20 The big cube takes up more space than the small cube.
Measuring volume The volume of an object is the amount of space the object occupies. Volume is measured in cubic centimetres (cm3), millilitres (ml) or litres (l). The big cube takes up more space than the small cube. 1 cm3 8 cm3

21 Measuring volume The volume of a liquid is measured using a measuring cylinder or a syringe. Measuring cylinder Syringe

22 Measuring volume First, position your eyes at the same level as the liquid in the measuring cylinder. There is a correct way to read the volume of a liquid in a measuring cylinder. The volume of the liquid in the measuring cylinder is 50 ml. Read the mark at the lowest point of the curved liquid surface. Measuring cylinder

23 The volume of the water in the syringe is 3 ml.
Measuring volume When using a syringe, read the water level at the top ring of the plunger. The volume of the water in the syringe is 3 ml. top ring

24 Measuring volume The volume of a solid, such as a pebble, can be measured using a measuring cup and water. Step 1: Fill a measuring cup with some water and read the water level. The volume of water is 500 ml. Step 3: The total volume of the pebble and water is 550 ml. Volume of the pebble = 550 ml – 500 ml = 10 ml Step 2: Lower the pebble into the cup of water. Make sure the water does not spill out. Read the new water level.


26 The end

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