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Participant Institute logo

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Presentation on theme: "Participant Institute logo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Participant Institute logo
Paper ID TITLE OF THE PAPER Author 1, Author 2,Author* (* Presenting Author) Please note the things to be included in your presentation (Maximum 7-8 slides) 1. Very brief Introduction- 1 slide 2. Objectives 3. Theoretical model/ Computational model/ Experimental work 4. Discussion 5. Conclusion 6. References Please Note: Due to more number of presentations, kindly adhere to the schedule ( 8 mins for presentation & 2 mins for questions) Slide Size ’’ wide x 7.5’’ high International Conference on Trends and Advanced Research in Green Energy Technologies, ICTARGET-2017 March 2017

2 International Conference on Trends and Advanced Research in Green Energy Technologies, ICTARGET-2017 during March 2017

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