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The Weight of Grace.

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Presentation on theme: "The Weight of Grace."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Weight of Grace

2 What is Grace? “being justified as a gift by His grace…” Romans 3:24 (NASB95) “a beneficent disposition toward someone, favor…” (BDAG) “good-will, loving-kindness” (Strong’s)

3 What is Grace? “…through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus” Romans 3:24 (NASB95) This gift is seen in the offer of salvation through Jesus Christ We experience this grace when we obey the Gospel

4 What is Grace? Free gift = no conditions
Common Usage of Grace - Free gift = no conditions Fails to appreciate the full presentation of grace - Titus 2:11-14

5 What is Grace? Common Usage of Grace - A buffer that allows one to walk outside God’s law without eternal consequences Freedom TO sin

6 What is Grace? Biblical Usage of Grace - Consistent with God’s hatred of sin - Ex 34:6-9; Rom 2:3, 9-10 Provides for forgiveness - Eph 2:1, 4-8

7 What is Grace? Grace makes our return possible Freedom FROM sin
Biblical Usage of Grace - Grace makes our return possible Freedom FROM sin

8 THE WEIGHT OF GRACE Creating a hierarchy of sins
Abuses of grace - Creating a hierarchy of sins Teaching that one’s sins are not put to their account Ignoring the principle of sin

9 THE WEIGHT OF GRACE Placing commandments into the realm of liberties
Abuses of grace - Placing commandments into the realm of liberties How far can we corrupt God’s pattern before we commit sin?

10 Freedom to Sin Freedom from Sin Sing/play Music in worship Sing
Unessential Baptism Essential

11 THE WEIGHT OF GRACE “Surely God wont mind if…”
Our view of grace affects every decision “Surely God wont mind if…” We must take care not to turn grace into a grey area with no objective standard

12 Freedom to Sin Freedom from Sin Sing/play Music in worship Sing
Unessential Baptism Essential Sometimes Immodesty Prohibited Optional Attendance Needful OK Social Drinking Sinful

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