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Health and Social Care Unit 1

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1 Health and Social Care Unit 1

2 Learning Outcomes: Must: Produce a diary for at least one of their workers’ typical days Should: be able to identify where in this day the worker employed skills and good qualities Could: be able to use the marking grids to produce higher level work

3 A Typical Day Arrive and prepare classroom 8.00 am 9.00 am 10.00 am
1.00 pm 2.00 pm 3.00 pm 4.00 pm 5.00 pm Arrive and prepare classroom Greet pupils/parents as they come in First activity: finger painting? Break time – supervise the play Reading time: how do they talk to them? Lunchtime – do they watch what they eat? Afternoon play – is this outdoors, supervised, what skills are used? Home time – goodbyes, talk to child/parent Clear classroom, meet other workers

4 YOUR TURN Using the computers begin to write up the typical day of one of your workers. Make the title: A Typical day for a Nursery Worker Write up the day like the example at the start of the lesson and include examples of where skills and qualities have been used.

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