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Mr. Ashok Agarwal : CEO - New Initiatives

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1 Mr. Ashok Agarwal : CEO - New Initiatives
Maximizing Asset Utilization & Services Presented by – Mr. Ashok Agarwal : CEO - New Initiatives September "2018 Private & Confidential

2 Utilization Maximization
Different modes of transport in India offer ineficient services and poor utilization Modes of Travel Capital Assets Utilization Maximization Air Aircraft Airport Decrease in turnaround time of the aircraft Rail Trains Railways tracks Increasing speed of the passenger trains and cargo trains Increasing the capacity of the passenger trains and cargo trains Road Vehicles Road Network Promote NMT Shared and connected public transport Safe & Emission free

3 Electric Vehicle – Current challenges
Perceived Range Anxiety Large size batteries Increases range but reduces affordability Higher Asset Acquisition Cost Large size batteries means higher asset acquisition cost Increase in deadweight means lower revenue earning & passenger carrying capacity also higher energy consumption Robust Charging Infrastructure Lack of adequate charging infrastructure with in arms length of the asset owner Quick charging means lower life cycle of the batteries in most batteries with Lithium Chemistry Scale Economics Present low demand devoids India from scale benefits Chinese companies operate in multi GW scale ( Resulting in procurement advantage)

4 Battery Swapping eliminates need to subsidize EVs
Improved asset utilization key to improved services & affordability Current prices of the EV high on account of low scale and battery cost Need to explore EV sales without batteries Promote smaller size battery with swapping stations at arms length Convert Capital cost of battery into operating cost Recycle used batteries to reclaim raw materials Capex Mass transport vehicles should operate for 16 to 20 hours a day Charging time to be delinked from revenue earning time Turns & Efficient logistics of Swappable batteries increases viability Higher Utilization Operating cost Innovative low cost solution (Container as charging station) Existing retail network as swapping station Large scale operations Competitive Financing Battery Swapping eliminates need to subsidize EVs

5 Thank You!

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