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Presentation on theme: "Bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 bacteria

2 bacteria Characteristics/highlights
Bacteria is so bad_ _ _ that is its own Domain/Kingdom Microscopic Pathogenic and Non-pathogenic Adopted to every environment/habitat on Earth… …including the BREW HOUSE AND DISTILLERY Brew House “infections” O2 requirements vary

3 bacteria Characteristics/highlights O2 requirements

4 Identifying bacteria: Shape

5 Bacterial anatomy


7 Bacterial types

8 Lactobacillus Gram + bacilli Brew house infection

9 Pediococcus Gram + cocci Brew house infection

10 Acetomonas Gram - bacilli Brew house infection

11 Acetobacter Gram - bacilli Brew house infection

12 Zymomonas Pseudomonas Gram - bacilli Brew house infection

13 Bacterial Contamination
Coliforms: Gram – bacilli of GI tract Bacterial Contamination

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