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A painless Guide on what to Expect on your First Visit to a Dental Implants Clinic.

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1 A painless Guide on what to Expect on your First Visit to a Dental Implants Clinic

2 INTRODUCTION A dental implant is a minor surgery that guarantees proper teeth restoration. Even so, many people don’t wholly understand dental implants and the procedures. Some imagine it to be something like wearing a mouth guard. Dental implants replace missing or damaged roots/ teeth. An artificial tooth or root replaces a natural one. Implants are more comfortable than the traditional full mouth dentures.

3 Table of Contents  The Process. The Process  Placing the Temporary Crown. Placing the Temporary Crown  Post-Surgery. Post-Surgery  X-Rays. X-Rays  Complications to Keep an Eye on. Complications to Keep an Eye on  Implant Performance. Implant Performance  Care According to the Procedure you Undergo. Care According to the Procedure you Undergo  Meal Recommendations. Meal Recommendations  What you Need to Know About Complete Healing. What you Need to Know About Complete Healing  Why 5% Percent of All Implants Fail. Why 5% Percent of All Implants Fail  Summary. Summary

4 The Process Dental implant surgery is different than the standard operation because it is not a one-time procedure. The process has various stages each requiring a given time frame. Dental implants also need outpatient care. The operation starts with an initial consultation with a dentist. The meeting takes about 45- 60 minutes, and it enables the specialist to figure out (via 3D images or X-rays) the best procedure for you. People who can get dental implants are those with:  A missing tooth (teeth)  Damaged tooth  Good oral hygiene  Sufficient jaw bone to support implants  Overall decent physical health

5 If you have an injured or damaged tooth in your mouth, you will need a tooth extraction procedure. It is the second stage of the dental implants procedure and requires you receive anesthesia. Tooth extraction varies depending on the patient. A patient with healthy bones can undergo tooth extraction and continue with the dental implant procedure that same day. For patients suffering from a bone infection or loss, other processes are necessary. An example is bone grafting, which repairs and strengthens the jaw bones. After the dentist ascertains that your bones are strong enough, implant placement begins. It is a process that involves placing a metal screw into your bones to act as the prosthesis anchor. The procedure takes 1-2 hours. The metal screw is usually the first implant a dentist will place in your mouth. Once it’s there, healing has to occur for you to continue to the next stage of dental implants. Healing takes seven months (upper jaw) and five months (lower jaw).

6 Placing the Temporary Crown Healing ensures that the metal screw fuses with the jawbone. The next stage involves placing a temporary crown and a healing collar. A dentist usually puts a healing collar (cap) on the implant’s head. It functions as a healing guide for the gum tissue. The collar, which is a piece of metal (round) stays on for about 10-14 days. The dentist then removes it to pave the way for the next procedure. After the collar is the abutment stage. The abutment supports the crown and dentists screw it into the implant. Tooth replacements require an impression of the placed abutment. Once the abutment is in place, you will receive a temporary crown. The temporary crown allows for tissue healing, and you will wear it for 4-6 weeks. During this time, the tissues will also form around any artificial or natural tooth, as you wait for the permanent crown.

7 The next stage is the placement of the permanent tooth. It is the final stage of this delicate procedure. A crown is the artificial tooth part of the implants. A dentist will either cement or screw the artificial tooth onto the abutment. There are two types of crowns- removable and permanent. The tooth used depends on the dentist and your condition. Here is a breakdown of each kind of artificial top: 1. Removable crown It has a pinkish upper surface and a white lower part to stimulate surrounding gum tissue and a natural tooth respectively. A dentist directly mounts a removable artificial tooth on a metal frame, snapping it onto the abutment. During teeth cleaning, you can remove this type of crown for a Comprehensive process. 2. Fixed crown It is the type of crown that is either screwed or cemented onto the abutment. The process ensures permanent fixing of the artificial tooth. As much as you cannot remove a fixed crown for cleaning, it is more stable and stronger.

8 Post-Surgery Just like with any surgery, there are things you ought to do (or not) after the dental implants procedure. First, it is essential to know that things like swelling, minimal bleeding, pain, and even bruising will occur despite the prosthesis you choose. It is why you should visit your dentist for periodic checkups. You should also undertake post-surgery implant care to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Incorporate flossing and brushing 2-3 times daily, plus rinsing your mouth with non-alcoholic mouthwash. Generally, cleanliness goes a long way in keeping your implants perfect and intact.

9 X-Rays The next dental visits after a full dental implant surgery may involve numerous x-ray sessions. A dentist needs to see how the crown, abutment, and implants are fitting together. X-rays help to figure out if there is an alignment issue.

10 Complications to Keep an Eye on All surgeries come with risks. For dental implants, the most significant risk is implant failure. It is usually because of hard grinding, clenching, or biting. Implant failure can also result from infections in the gum area. Additionally, implants on the lower jaw are at risk of lack of nerve healing. It occurs when there is an injury in the nerve running under the lower jaw during implant placement/ drilling. A minor effect of such damage is tingling or numbness in the jaw, while the more significant impact is lack of healing. When it comes to the upper jaw, the more serious risk is an infection. Drilling on upper jaws may cause an opening towards the sinuses. This opening can quickly get an infection. Complications on the jaws are avoidable via X-Rays. A dentist should take proper images that guide him/ her well throughout the dental implant process. Even so, if you notice any adverse symptoms, consult your dentist.

11 Implant Performance Dental implants operate like the natural teeth and their parts. A single-tooth implant is also very similar to a natural tooth in appearance. There is only a slight difference, which comes in the angling and coloring. A typical dental implant will last over 25 years. It depends on how well you care for your teeth. Here are some of the things to consider for post-surgery dental hygiene:  Smoking: All types of smoke are not suitable for your general mouth hygiene and your dental implants. Whether its cigarettes, cannabis, or vapes, smoking causes a lot of mouth complication. It is best to avoid smoking if you want your implants to last.  Alcohol: Alcohol restricts blood flow, which usually leads to slow healing of the jaw/ gums. It is why you even ought to go for non-alcoholic mouthwashes. There is also evidence showing that alcohol increases infection chances, so do not consume it sooner than 72 hours after the operation.

12  Mouth care: Right after the surgery, avoid putting things that may accidentally cause injuries in your mouth, such as straws, toothpicks, etc. Be careful when using utensils (forks or spoons) and do not lift/ pull your lips in an attempt to view the stitches.  Eating: The period after a dental implant surgery calls for soft foods that your teeth can accommodate. Chewing hard foods will increase the risk of complications or injuries. Therefore, change your diet if you have to or cut hard stuff into small pieces first before you eat.

13 Care According to the Procedure you Undergo You can classify dental implant surgeries into three categories: simple, moderate and severe. Depending on your level of operation, you ought to administer care accordingly. The following will enable you to realize where you lie and what to do to heal properly: I.Simple Procedures: It is a single-tooth replacement that doesn’t require grafting because your bones are healthy. You will experience minimal discomfort if you undergo a simple dental implant procedure. The process comes also comes with minor swelling/ bruises, and you ought to brush your teeth gently, rest well, plus eat soft foods. II.Moderate Procedure: This procedure comes with slight discomfort. It may lead to measured bruises and swelling. After undergoing a moderate surgery, medication helps to ease the pain. After the healing process that takes about 7-10 days, resume your regular diet but avoid tough foods. III.Difficult Procedure: A severe surgery leads to a more extended recovery period. If you happened to experience a complicated surgery, soft foods up to six weeks after the process would help. You should also follow the recommendations for moderate and simple operations.

14 Meal Recommendations There is no better way to quicken the healing process than by eating nutritious, healthy, and soft foods. Post- surgery also requires that you avoid things that might lead to complications. The list includes hot drinks and meals. Having a well-planned meal routine will go a long way in helping you recover quickly. Your post-operation days should include beverages that keep you hydrated. Remember to go for cold drinks such as juice, water, or cool tea because hot drinks can harm your wounds. When it comes to eating the first time after surgery, you might experience jaw muscle tightness. With soft, nutritious meals, the tightness will decline as your jaw gets used to chewing with the implants. Here is a meal plan you ought to consider:  Breakfast: Go for scrambled eggs, yogurt, and oatmeal. These foods are soft and great breakfast-time meals. They will also energize you for the day ahead.

15  Lunch: Dentists recommend that you take light lunches after surgery. Applesauce, cream/ cottage cheese, and soft bread will do you right during this period. To wash down your food, go for fruit or vegetable smoothies for some minerals and vitamins.  Dinner: Whatever meal you, select ensure it is soft. Eat something like mashed potatoes and soft meat like chicken, rabbit, or fish. Some types of red meat are hard to chew and can lead to injuries during this delicate time.  Treats: You will need to treat yourself. Treats make part of the small joys in life, and they can help the body to heal by triggering favorable chemicals in the brain. Post-surgery treats should be something like pudding.

16 What you Need to Know About Complete Healing According to a study by AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons), dental implant surgeries have a 95% success rate. It is because there have been remarkable advancements lately in the industry. Even if the healing process may take time, dental implants are worth the hassle. You will be able to consume all kind of foods once healing occurs in your mouth. The implants mimic your natural teeth, giving you a full smile that restores your confidence. Other advantages are better oral health and speech.

17 Why 5% Percent of All Implants Fail Where a patient does not experience healing process problems, inadequate oral hygiene is usually the cause of implant failure. Bacteria build up due to poor tooth cleaning and cause mucous membrane inflammation. This membrane surrounds the implant-mucositis and leads to Peri-implantitis, which is a dangerous condition that comes about due to the lack of inflammation treatment. Peri-implantitis brings about bone loss around the areas where there are implants and eventually causes failure. It’s because the disease affects implant anchorage, loosening it by eating away the bone. Even so, Peri-implantitis is a treatable disease, so visit your doctor if you see any tell-tale signs.

18 Summary Getting an implant is a lengthy procedure that requires careful thought. Do your research before visiting any dentist because it is a delicate process. Follow up the surgery with good hygiene and healthy, nutritious meals to enjoy all the long-term benefits of having implants. New Teeth in A Day offer patients the convenience of one-stop dental solutions with high-end quality, thanks to their highly qualified team of dental professionals. When you step into their clinic for a dental implant, they will give you the care and quality service that you deserve. At the end of the appointment, you will walk out of a fresh smile that look and feel like healthy natural teeth.

19 The End Read more at -

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