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Important vocabulary in Unit 4.

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1 Important vocabulary in Unit 4.
Reconstruction Important vocabulary in Unit 4.

2 Landowners let poor farmers use small areas of their land, and in return, the farmers gave the landowners a share of the crop. While it allowed poor farmers some independence, it kept poor farmers in debt and did not allow for them to save. Sharecropping

3 Northerners that moved to the South after the Civil War to help or make money. They were known to carry carpet-covered suitcases. Southerners did not like carpetbaggers. Carpetbaggers

4 Southerners who helped the government during Reconstruction
Southerners who helped the government during Reconstruction. Scalawags were unpopular in the South. Scalawag was slang for an old worthless horse. Scalawags

5 Congress created the Freedmen’s Bureau to provide clothing, food, medical care, and legal help to poor blacks and whites. Freedmen’s Bureau

6 Laws passed by Southern states that kept African Americans separate from other Americans.
These laws made segregation legal. These laws segregated schools, hospitals, and cemeteries. Jim Crow Laws

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