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Preliminary Study – Radiation induced activity in a SB Target

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1 Preliminary Study – Radiation induced activity in a SB Target
30/03/2011 WP2 Radiation Study

2 Radiation Study Activation Product Map (A,Z) given by Fluka for all elements Target, Magnetic Horn, Mechanical Structure, decay tunnel, beam dump, earth (environnemental impact) Estimation of the Dose Equivalent Rate (DER) of the target Gamma contribution -> Empirical formula / MicroShield Electron contribution -> Empirical formula First Order : Uniform Activity in the target. Cross-check results from Fluka and MicroShield. Benchmarks: - Guideline CERN Factory Study - CNGS Study - Others High Energy Facility Japan 30/03/2011 WP2 Radiation Study

3 CNGS : Residual DER Main Features: Proton Energy : 400 GeV/c
Target Material : Graphite Intensity : pps Irradiation time : 200 days Equivalent Dose Rate in Area 1 - after 1 Day : mSv/h - after 1 Month : 0.58 mSv/h Calculation of Intervention Dose for the CNGS Facility, M. Lorenzo Sentis, A. Ferrari, S. Roesler, CERN-OPEN 30/03/2011 WP2 Radiation Study

4 Graphite Target : (DER Gamma + Electron)
Equivalent Dose Rate Estimation : All calculation assumed a ponctual source to apply empirical formula for the DER: Gammas (mSv/h) : 1, xAxExI(%)xk at (d=10 cm) Electrons (mSv/h): xAxI(%) at (d=10 cm) Electron Range Target Radionucleides considered for the beta contribution to the dose. 30/03/2011 WP2 Radiation Study

5 Graphite Target Specific activity after one day: 30/03/2011
WP2 Radiation Study

6 Graphite Target : Microshield (DER Gamma)
x 10cm 2 m 10cm y 0 cm 75 cm 30/03/2011 WP2 Radiation Study

7 Radionucleide production in Titanium Target
Standard radioprotection Library used by Microshield but numerous elements are missing = > to be added . 30/03/2011 WP2 Radiation Study

8 Radiation Induced Activity
Non Uniforme radionuclide distribution in the target material => need precise simulation (Multi-sources) Investigation for titanium and beryllium material => On Going Using MCNP(X), standard MonteCarlo simulation in radioprotection study to crosscheck with Fluka. Next Steps: Evolution of the DER with time Equivalent Dose Rate for the other elements: Horns, decay tunnel, Beam Dump… Define « Radiological zoning » of the whole structure... Investigation of Shielding… 30/03/2011 WP2 Radiation Study

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