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Pinwheel Discussion Directions

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2 Pinwheel Discussion Directions
Draw a perspective: prisoner kapo (Jewish Guard) Nazi or SS camp up-stander camp bystander

3 Answer the question according in a PERSONA.
Your goal is to UNDERSTAND, not to sympathize. Cite evidence to support your answers. EX: details from the story about Mrs. Schächter, changed to fits your perspective.

4 Everyone: You walk through the gates at Auschwitz: What do you see
Everyone: You walk through the gates at Auschwitz: What do you see? What do you wonder? (use sensory details: sight, sounds, taste, touch, smell)

5 A new train pulls into the camp; 100 people spill out of the car
A new train pulls into the camp; 100 people spill out of the car. Describe their clothes and luggage. Describe their body language. What do you hear? What are you thinking? What are you feeling?

6 Describe food. Describe texture, smell, taste. How do you get food
Describe food. Describe texture, smell, taste. How do you get food? How do you eat it? How do you feel about your food? Do you eat with other people?

7 In the camp, you observe two teenage boys
In the camp, you observe two teenage boys. One of them steals the other’s bread, but gives pieces of it to other prisoners standing nearby. What else do you see? What are you thinking?

8 What do you fear? Why do you fear it? How does fear affect your actions? What motivates you?

9 Where is your family. What are they like. What memories do you have
Where is your family? What are they like? What memories do you have? Where are they now?

10 What plans do you have for tomorrow. What motivates those plans
What plans do you have for tomorrow? What motivates those plans? What types of ordinary things will probably happen tomorrow?


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